RA-Reserves October 22, 2019

RA-Reserves October 22, 2019



10:00 Eastern @https://zoom.us/j/580817848


Kelly Drake

(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee

Donna Minor


Tonya Carter

Gabe Stetson

New England Conservatory Library

Discussion items

1minDevelopment plan, timeline and Sub-group goals

No updates

30 minFast Add

Fast Add - What do we need for Courses:

Review requirements being spearheaded by subgroup -   https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/x/MEAi  

What, if any of these fields are stored with the reserve item, and not with the item record.

Add URL field

Determine if this is a marc record or an inventory record?

The new record automatically associated with course

Add the new items note field to the fast add record


Add items note field!  (at least ask the developers)

Add a check box for "Personal copy"

  • workflow is that staff is given a personal copy 
  • Creates fast add record
  • checks the personal copy field
  • Adds item owner note to the item note field

Permissions for fast add - is there something different needed for CR fast add?

Not really - it should be included in existing permissions

Action items