RA - Reserves September 3, 2019

RA - Reserves September 3, 2019



10:00 Eastern @https://zoom.us/j/580817848


Kelly Drake

Donna Minor

Patrick Sanders

Andrea Loigman

Elizabeth Chenette

Andy Horbal


(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee

Discussion items

1minDevelopment plan, timeline and Sub-group goals

Sept 3 - Associate Courses with Service Points

Sept 10 - Active Course Status and Interoperability

Sept 17 - Reporting

3 minDevelopment Update

Development is underway!


Are the copyright tracking fields just checkboxes and free text fields? or are they supposed to interact with some other system?

The fields are just checkboxes and free text but that is a compromise, not the ideal.  Ideally it would speak directly to CCC.

Other than that this is for reporting functions

  • Copyright tracking % [check box] if checked includes the following fields
    This item falls under fair use [check box]
    Different sections of this item used in this book [check box]
    Copyright paid[check box]
    Total number of pages in item [free text]
    Total number of pages used [free text]
    Total % of pages used [calculation if previous 2 fields are entered / free text if not (maybe an arrow to indicate that the value should be calculated]
    Payment based on [free text]

Substitute in "Copyright status" field that would contain a dropdown controlled vocabulary. (but default values of "Fair use | Copyright in process | Copyright paid | "   (replaces "This item falls under fair use" and "Copyright paid")

Regarding "Different sections on this item used in this book" should be finessed "Additional sections of this material used in this course"

"Payment based on" Wendy Wilcox  can weigh in on Ares use. : could be a controlled vocabulary

Developers are suggesting changing the "Taught by" section language to "Instructor".   

Add Note field [ free text]  . Appears at the end.

28 minUXPROD-640

Associate Courses with Locations and Service Points

  • service points are associated with locations so we really don't need a default Service point since the location will control the service point. 

What we really only need is the default temporary location.

Can we have the notes functionality in Course Reserves - Course section? - question for developers
10 min

Temporary Loan type (set in item record)

We want a default loan type

Need to add "Default" section that includes - Term, Loan Type, and Location

Check on select box function for "Active" and "Inactive" or Publish?  (separate from date)

  • but how to set on an ongoing bases?

- or could the user just not add a Term?

  • or bulk processing to ?

Action items