Default MARC Bibliographic-to-Inventory Instance Mappings

Default MARC Bibliographic-to-Inventory Instance Mappings

This is a summary chart of the default MARC Bib-to-Inventory Instance mappings supplied with FOLIO. It is current as of Orchid. 

The most recent JSON rules can be found here: MARC Bibliographic Default JSON Rules

The definitive decisions and documentation for the mappings can be found in the FOLIJET Instance from MARC and FOLIJET MARC 880 fields tabs of this spreadsheet. This spreadsheet references the relevant Jiras when mappings have been changed after the initial mappings and also shows mappings that have not yet been implemented.

If libraries opt to customize the default mappings, please see Notes on Customizing Default MARC-Inventory Maps and Release Updates

You may also want to check out data import!

Instance fieldType (when applicable)MARC mappingNotes
Instance UUID
999 ff $i
Suppress from discovery
[not mapped]
Staff suppress
[not mapped]
Previously held
[not mapped]
001If the FOLIO HRID is not in the 001 field of an imported MARC Bib record, the existing 001 is moved to an 035 field, preceded by any 003 data in parentheses, e.g. 001 1234567 and 003 OCoLC would become 035 (OCoLC)1234567. Once that is done, the Instance HRID is placed in the 001 field.
Cataloged date
[not mapped]
Instance status term
[not mapped]
Mode of Issuancesingle unitLeader byte 7 = a, c, d, or m
Mode of IssuanceserialLeader byte 7 = b or s
Mode of Issuanceintegrating resourceLeader byte 7 = i
Mode of IssuanceunspecifiedLeader byte 7 = [anything else]
Statistical code
[not mapped]
Administrative note
[not mapped]
Resource title
Alternative titleUniform Title130$anpdfghklmorst
Alternative titleUniform Title240$anpdfghklmors
Alternative titleVariant Title246$anpbfgh5246 & 247 map to alternate title currently; if more detail in the future, map to: 246$anpbfgh5
Alternative titleFormer Title247$anpbfghx246 & 247 map to alternate title currently; if more detail in the future, map to: 247$anpbfghx
Index title
245 2nd indicator 0-->245$anpb
Index title
245 2nd indicator 1-->245$anpb trim first character in $a
Index title
245 2nd indicator 2-->245$anpb trim first 2 characters in $a
Index title
245 2nd indicator 3-->245$anpb trim first 3 characters in $a
Index title
245 2nd indicator 4-->245$anpb trim first 4 characters in $a
Index title
& so on (through 9)
Series statement
800$abcdefghjklmnopqrstuvwx35 ; 810$abcdefghklmnoprstuvwx35 ; 811$acdefghjklnpqstuvwx35 ; 830$adfghklmnoprstvwx35
Preceding TitlePreceding title: Title780$tIf no $t in the 780, do not map the field to the Instance at all
Preceding TitlePreceding title: ISBN780$z
Preceding TitlePreceding title: ISSN780$x
Succeeding TitleSucceeding title: Title785$t If no $t in the 785, do not map the field to the Instance at all
Succeeding TitleSucceeding title: ISBN785$z
Succeeding TitleSucceeding title: ISSN785$x
IdentifierASIN[not mapped]
IdentifierBNB[not mapped]
IdentifierCancelled GPO item number074$z
IdentifierCancelled system control numbers019$a, 035$z each in its own identifier field
IdentifierCODEN[not mapped]
IdentifierControl number[not mapped]
IdentifierDOI[not mapped]
IdentifierGPO item number074$a
IdentifierHandle[not mapped]
IdentifierInvalid ISBN020$zcq (invalid ISBN identifier type recently added)
IdentifierInvalid ISMN024$zq (but only when 1st indicator = 2 and $z is present)
If multiple $z, put each into its own identifier field.
If any $q data present, include after whichever $z it follows

IdentifierInvalid ISSN022$y; 022$z; 022$m
IdentifierInvalid UPC024$zq (but only when 1st indicator = 1 and $z is present)
If multiple $z, put each into its own identifier field.
If any $q data present, include after whichever $z it follows

IdentifierISBN020$acq (all should be in the same field $q should not be a separate identifier)
IdentifierISMN024$aq (but only when 1st indicator = 2 and $a is present)
IdentifierCanceled LCCN010$z
IdentifierLinking ISSN022$l2
IdentifierLocal identifier[not mapped]
IdentifierOCLC035$a, but only if prefix (OCoLC), ocm, or ocn
IdentifierOther standard identifier024$acdqz2
IdentifierPublisher or distributor number028$abq
IdentifierReport number[not mapped]
IdentifierStandard technical report number[not mapped]
IdentifierStEdNL[not mapped]
IdentifierSystem control number035$a, except if prefix (OCoLC), ocm, or ocn, assign type OCLC instead
IdentifierUkMac[not mapped]
IdentifierUPC024$aq (but only when 1st indicator = 1 and $a is present)
IdentifierURN[not mapped]
ContributorPersonal name100$abcdfgjklnpqtu ; 700$abcdfgjklnopqtu

NameTypedefault to Personal name

contributorType100$4, else $e; 700$4, else $eUse $4 to derive the authorized contributor type; otherwise use free-text value from $e to assign the authorized contributor type; otherwise use the free-text value from $e to assign the free-text contributor type

NameTypeIf Ind1 =/= 2, default to Personal name
If Ind1 = 2, default to Corporate name

contributorType720$4, else $eUse $4 to derive the authorized contributor type; otherwise use free-text value from $e to assign the authorized contributor type; otherwise use the free-text value from $e to assign the free-text contributor type
ContributorCorporate name110$abcdfgklnptu ; 710$abcdfgklnoptu

NameTypedefault to Corporate name

contributorType110$4, else $e; 710$4, else $eUse $4 to derive the authorized contributor type; otherwise use free-text value from $e to assign the authorized contributor type; otherwise use the free-text value from $e to assign the free-text contributor type
ContributorMeeting name111$abcdfgklnptu 711$abcdfgklnptu

NameTypedefault to Meeting name

contributorType111$4, else $j; 711$4, else $jUse $4 to derive the authorized contributor type; otherwise use free-text value from $j to assign the authorized contributor type; otherwise use the free-text value from $j to assign the free-text contributor type
260$b3 ; 264$b3
Publisher roleProduction264 2nd indicator 0
Publisher rolePublication264 2nd indicator 1
Publisher roleDistribution264 2nd indicator 2
Publisher roleManufacture264 2nd indicator 3


Publication date


Publication date
008/07-10;11-14 else 260$c ; 264$cIgnore 008 data for now; just use 260/264
Date type
Date 1
Date 2
Physical description
Resource typeTerm336$aIf there is a 336$b that matches the spelled-out version of a code in 336$b, then assign that code (so that more resource types are filterable). If no 336$b and term in code 336$a is not recognized, assign Resource Type unknown, code zzz.
Resource typeCode336$b
Resource typeSource336$2
Nature of content
[not mapped]Not mapped in the default map; reference data seems like it will be too variable between different FOLIO tenants
336$ab23Default mapper will skip this field until we figure out what value should be
336 = MARC Content type
Per Charlotte - this is not a valid UI field; duplicate of instanceTypeId; skip it
041$a else 008/35-37
Publication frequency
310$ab ; 321$ab
Publication range
Instance notesAccessibility note532$a
Instance notesAccumulation and Frequency of Use note584$ab35
Instance notesAction note583$abcdefhijklnouxz235
If Ind1 = 0, mark "Staff only" checkbox If Ind1 = anything else, do not mark Staff only checkbox

Instance notesAdditional Physical Form Available note530$abcdu3
Instance notesAwards note586$a3
Instance notesBibliography note504$ab
Instance notesBinding Information note563$au35
Instance notesBiographical or Historical Data545$abu
Instance notesCartographic Mathematical Data255$abcdefg
Instance notesCase File Characteristics note565$abcde3
Instance notesCitation / References note510$abcux3
Instance notesCopy and Version Identification note562$abcde35
Instance notesCreation / Production Credits note508$a
Instance notesCumulative Index / Finding Aides notes555$abcdu3
Instance notesData quality note514$abcdefghijkmuz
Instance notesDate / time and place of an event note518$adop23
Instance notesDissertation note502$abcdgo
Instance notesEntity and Attribute Information note552$abcdefghijklmnopuz
Instance notesExhibitions note585$a35
Instance notesFormatted Contents Note505$agrtu
Instance notesFormer Title Complexity note547$a
Instance notesFunding Information Note536$abcdefgh
Instance notesGeneral note500$a35
Instance notesGeographic Coverage note522$a
Instance notesImmediate Source of Acquisition note541$abcdefhno35
If Ind1 = 0, mark "Staff only" checkbox If Ind1 = anything else, do not mark Staff only checkbox

Instance notesInformation About Documentation note556$az
Instance notesInformation related to Copyright Status542$abcdefghijklmnopqrsu3
If Ind1 = 0, mark "Staff only" checkbox If Ind1 = anything else, do not mark Staff only checkbox

Instance notesIssuing Body note550$a
Instance notesLanguage note546$ab3
Instance notesLinking Entry Complexity note580$a
Instance notesLocal notes590$a
If Ind1 = 0, mark "Staff only" checkbox If Ind1 = anything else, do not mark Staff only checkbox

Instance notesLocation of Originals / Duplicates note535$abcdg3
Instance notesLocation of Other Archival Materials note544$abcden3
Instance notesMethodology note567$ab2
Instance notesNumbering peculiarities note515$a
Instance notesOriginal Version note534$abcefklmnoptxz3
Instance notesOwnership and Custodial History note561$au35
If Ind1 = 0, mark "Staff only" checkbox If Ind1 = anything else, do not mark Staff only checkbox

Instance notesParticipant or Performer note511$a
Instance notesPreferred Citation of Described Materials note524$a23
Instance notesPublications About Described Materials note581$az3
Instance notesReproduction note533$abcdefmn35
Instance notesRestrictions on Access note506$abcdefu235
Instance notesScale note for graphic material507$ab
Instance notesSource of Description note588$a5
Instance notesStudy Program Information note526$abcdxz5
Instance notesSummary520$abcu23
Instance notesSupplement note525$a
Instance notesSystem Details note538$au35
Instance notesTarget Audience note521$ab3
Instance notesTerms Governing Use and Reproduction note540$abcdu35
Instance notesType of computer file or data note516$a
Instance notesType of report and period covered note513$ab
Instance notesWith note501$a5
Electronic accessRelationship: Resource856: 2nd indicator 0
Electronic accessRelationship: Version of resource856: 2nd indicator 1
Electronic accessRelationship: Related resource856: 2nd indicator 2
Electronic accessRelationship: No information provided856: Any 2nd indicator besides 0, 1, 2
Electronic accessURI856$uIf no $u do not map the 856 field to the Instance at all.
Electronic accessLink text856$y
Electronic accessMaterials specified856$3
Electronic accessURL public note856$z
Leave out any subfields that start with a number. Only include subfields that start with a letter
ClassificationAdditional Dewey[not mapped]
ClassificationCanadian Classification[not mapped]

$a (which may repeat) and $b all go on the same line, with a space between each subfield
If there is a slash in $a, remove it and close up the space
If there is a $b between two $a's within one 082 field, put the first $a and $b in one call number field, and the second $a in a second call number field

ClassificationGDC086$a ; 086$zif multiple $a or $z, put each into a separate call number field

$a and $b go on the same line, with a space between them

If multiple $a in the same field, put them in separate classification fields with first $a and its $b if present in first classification field, and second $a (and its $b, if it has one) in second classification field

ClassificationLC (local)[not mapped]
ClassificationNational Agricultural Library[not mapped]

$a and $b go on the same line, with a space between each subfield

If multiple $a in the same field, put them in separate classification fields with first $a and its $b if present in first classification field, and second $a (and its $b, if it has one) in second classification field

ClassificationSUDOC[not mapped]
ClassificationUDC080$ab$a and $b go on the same line, with a space between each subfield
Child instances
[not mapped]
Parent instances
[not mapped]
Other Related TitlesAdded Entry Uniform Title[not mapped]Not currently mapped; if mapped in the future, will be: 730$adfghklmnoprstx ; 740$ahnp
Other Related TitlesAdditional Physical Form[not mapped]Not currently mapped; if mapped in the future, will be: 776$abcdghkmnorstuwxyz
Other Related TitlesConstituent Unit[not mapped]Not currently mapped; if mapped in the future, will be: 774$abcdghkmnorstuwxyz
Other Related TitlesData Source[not mapped]Not currently mapped; if mapped in the future, will be: 786$abcdghjkmnoprstuvwxyz
Other Related TitlesHost Item[not mapped]Not currently mapped; if mapped in the future, will be: 773$abdghkmnopqrstuwxyz
Other Related TitlesIssued With[not mapped]Not currently mapped; if mapped in the future, will be: 777$abcdghkmnorstuwxyz
Other Related TitlesMain Series[not mapped]Not currently mapped; if mapped in the future, will be: 760$abcdghmnostwxy
Other Related TitlesOriginal Language[not mapped]Not currently mapped; if mapped in the future, will be: 765$abcdghkmnorstuwxyz
Other Related TitlesOther Edition[not mapped]Not currently mapped; if mapped in the future, will be: 775$abcdefghkmnorstuwxyz
Other Related TitlesOther Relationship[not mapped]Not currently mapped; if mapped in the future, will be: 787$abcdghkmnorstuwxyz
Other Related TitlesSubseries[not mapped]Not currently mapped; if mapped in the future, will be: 762$abcdghmnostwxy
Other Related TitlesSupplement / Special Issue[not mapped]Not currently mapped; if mapped in the future, will be: 770$abcdghkmnorstuwxyz
Other Related TitlesSupplement Parent[not mapped]Not currently mapped; if mapped in the future, will be: 772$abcdghkmnorstuwxyz
Other Related TitlesTranslation[not mapped]Not currently mapped; if mapped in the future, will be: 767$abcdghkmnorstuwxyz

MARC 880 (Alternate Graphical Representation) fields

Until FOLIO can support multiple graphical representations of the same main entry fields (primary contributor, title), MARC 880 fields that correspond to 1xx fields will be mapped as if they are 7xx fields.

MARC 880 fieldMap to Instance field
Obtain the actual MARC field from the first 3 digits in $6
For all fields except 100, 110, 111, 245: Map the data from the subfields following the $6 to the same Instance fields as the actual MARC fields
For field 100, map the data from the subfields following the $6 to the same Instance field as the 700 MARC field

Contributor-Personal name

For field 110, map the data from the subfields following the $6 to the same Instance field as the 710 MARC field

Contributor-Corporate name

For field 111, map the data from the subfields following the $6 to the same Instance field as the 711 MARC fieldContributor-Meeting name
For field 245, map the data from the subfields following the $6 to the same Instance field as the 246 MARC fieldAlternative title

Sample dataActual MARC field
880 0\$6130-01/{dollar}1$a中囯汉语水平考试.$lPolyglot.130
880 10$6245-02/{dollar}1$a中囯汉语水平考试模拟习题集 /$c教材: 袁冰, 赵延凤 ; 测试: 邓虎 ; 配音: 马友谊, 马维.245
880 1\$6246-03/{dollar}1$iAdditional title on container and CD:$aHSK 八级快车246
880 \\$6260-04/{dollar}1$a北京 :$b北京大学出版社 ;$a宁夏 :$b宁夏康迪特自空技术公司,$c©1999.260
880 \\$6546-05/{dollar}1$a英日韓汉.546
880 1\$6700-06/{dollar}1$a袁冰.700
880 1\$6700-07/{dollar}1$a赵延凤.700
880 1\$6700-08/{dollar}1$a邓虎.700
880 1\$6700-09/{dollar}1$a马友谊.700
880 1\$6700-10/{dollar}1$a马维.700
880 2\$6710-11/{dollar}1$a宁夏康迪特自空技术公司.710