Data Import Brief and Detailed Logs

Data Import Brief and Detailed Logs

Brief View of Logs

The Data Import App landing page opens to a list of logs from previously executed data import jobs. This presents a brief view of the logs for previously run imports.

The columns on the display provide you with basic information about the import job, and clicking on the file name opens the log summary view.

OCLC Inventory single record import logs are suppressed from this view.

When you click on Actions → View all logs, this is the list of brief view of the logs from previously run imports including Inventory single record import. The left hand pane is the Search & filter pane.

Any “Derive new MARC Bibliographic record” action taken in FOLIO Inventory does not have any logs that appear in the brief or detailed view unlike the Inventory single record import.


View of all logs including Search & filter pane on the left hand side


Detailed View of Logs

Either from the landing page or when viewing all logs, to get to the detailed view of one log, click on the hyperlinked File name.

Notice that the job profile is also hyperlinked. When clicked, this will open that job profile in settings with the appropriate permissions.

The detailed view is only for one single import. When you click on File name,

  • The Job Profile is hyperlinked. When clicked this will lead to the Settings area and the view of that job profile.

  • Source file: This WILL ONLY appear if slicing has been enabled.

  • Summary: This is the top part of the detailed view that provides the numbers of each type of record created, update, no action, error. If the file being imported undergoes multiple processes such as an initial create and then a modification to the MARC, in Poppy because the ultimate action is create, the summary and list of titles view will show this as create.

    • No action: This is when no action was taken either due to an error or there were no actions to take.

  • List of titles view:

    • Hyperlinked title:

    • Slash is used to indicate that this record type wasn’t in the job profile

    • Multiple holdings and items will display them in one cell, holdings with the location, and items with the item HRID in parentheses




Detailed view for Hyperlinked Title in the List of Titles View

There is a JSON view for the:

  • Incoming record

  • SRS MARC bibliographic record

  • Instance

  • Holdings

  • Item

  • Authority

  • Order

  • Invoice

If there are multiple holdings and items, when you click on either Holdings or Items, the individual records will be separate by location for holdings and item HRID for items.



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