Ramsons UAT - Remote patron registration (FOLIO workflows)
Test environment: FOLIO
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To be able to create user record based on pre-registration data, the user must have the following permission assigned:
Users: Can view patron pre-registration data
Users: Can merge patron preregistration data
To use this functionality in a new tenant:
Manually create the "Remote Non-circulating" patron group (with an expiration date).
Ensure that the "Home" address type exists in the FOLIO settings.
1. Create a new patron record based on preregistration data
Log in to the test environment using the uat-admin credentials.
Navigate to the Users app.
In the User search results pane, select Action > Search patron preregistration records.
Search for the patron preregistration record using the “*“ symbol
Note: the search can be performed with any of the following search criteria: First name, Last name. Preferred first name, Middle name, email, combination of First name + Last name, combination of Preferred name + Last name, wildcard search (e.g., “*”).
In Patron registration record results list, click the New button for any of the preregistration records.
Note: The system checks if the patron's email already exists in user records. If no duplicates are found, a new user record is created using the preregistration data.
Expected Result: A new patron record is created.
Verify the newly created patron record:
Ensure the record contains the following data from the preregistration record:
First name
Last name
Middle name (if present)
Preferred first name (if present)
Email address
Phone number
Mobile phone number (if present)
Address (mapped as follows):
Primary address = true,
Address type = Home,
Address line 1,
Address line 2,
Email communication preferences (if present)
Ensure the record includes patron details generated by FOLIO:
Patron group: "Remote Non-circulating", with an expiration date length of 2 years.
Status: Active.
Enrolled Date: Date of preregistration form submission
External system ID: patron email UUID [Update]
User type: Patron
Permissions: no default permissions
In the preregistration records (Action > Search patron preregistration records), search for the newly created user record’s preregistration details.
Expected Result: The preregistration record for the newly created user is removed and no longer available in the search results.
2. Update an existing patron record with preregistration patron details
Precondition: One or more patron records with the same email address as the preregistration record exist in the system.
Log in to the test environment using the uat-admin credentials.
Navigate to the Users app.
In the User search results pane, select Action > Search patron preregistration records.
Search for the patron preregistration record using the “*“ symbol.
Note: the search can be performed with any of the following criteria: First name, Last name. Preferred first name, Middle name, email, a combination of First name + Last name, a combination of Preferred name + Last name, wildcard search (e.g., “*”).
In Patron registration record results list, click the New button for the preregistration record that has duplicates (patron record(s) with the same email exist in the system).
Expected Result: Duplicates are found and displayed on the “Existing FOLIO user records” page.
Select the user record that needs to be overwritten with preregistration data and click the Merge button.
Verify that the existing patron record details are overwritten with the preregistration record details.
Ensure the record contains the following data from the preregistration record:
First name
Last name
Middle name (if present)
Preferred first name (if present)
Email address
Phone number
Mobile phone number (if present)
Address (mapped as follows):
Primary address = true,
Address type = Home,
Address line 1,
Address line 2,
Email communication preferences (if present)
Ensure the record includes patron details generated by FOLIO:
Status: Active.
Enrolled Date: Date of preregistration form submission
External system ID: patron email UUID [Update]
User type: Patron
Patron group: Not changed
Permissions: Not changed
In the preregistration records (Action > Search patron preregistration records), search for the preregistration details of the updated user record.
Expected Result: The preregistration record for the updated patron user is removed and no longer available in the search results.
General Notes:
The staging table contains two types of preregistration records: Tier 1 and Tier 2. Only Tier 2 records are searchable and displayed in the UI.
For self-kiosk registration, email verification is skipped. Therefore, the Email Verification field will always display “Not activated” for such records.
Search for duplicates is performed by email within existing active and inactive patron records. Existing records with a staff user type are not included in the list of potential duplicates.
[Update after adding functionality for external system ID] The system automatically generates an
for preregistration user records as a random UUID. If duplicate records are found, during a merge, the system always updates the External system ID of the existing user record with the value from the preregistration user record.