Create Consortia tenant

Create Consortia tenant

This article describes how to create additional tenant for Rancher based project with ability to deploy UI for the tenant

The purpose of this job, is to give possibility for developers to use multi tenancy for Rancher based environments

Job: createConsortia





CLUSTERlist<string>Name of cluster where project environment hosted
NAMESPACElist<string>Name of target environment where changes should be applied
BASE_TENANT_IDtextBase tenant Id for getting install json

Select deployment config type

LOAD_REFERENCEbooleanSet to true to load reference data during install
LOAD_SAMPLEbooleanSet to true to load sample data during install
RW_SPLITbooleanSet true to Enable Read/Write split
FOLIO_BRANCHlist<string>Select what 'platform-complete' branch use for build

To create new Consortia tenant you should know in what cluster you environment located. See Projects(Namespaces) page.


  1. Go to Jenkins
  2. Navigate to folioRancher -> folioDevTools -> tenantManagement -> createConsortia
  3. Click Build with Parameters (if you didn't see this button, contact Kitfox team)
  4. Select parameters
    1. CLUSTER - Select name of the cluster where your rancher environment located
    2. NAMESPACE - Select name of target environment
    3. BASE_TENANT_ID - (Required) Base tenant Id for getting install json 
    4. CONFIG_TYPE - Select deployment config type
    5. LOAD_REFERENCE - Turn on if reference data should be loaded during provisioning
    6. LOAD_SAMPLE - Turn on if sample data should be loaded during provisioning
    7. RW_SPLIT - Set true to Enable Read/Write split
    8. FOLIO_BRANCH - Select what 'platform-complete' branch use for build
  5. Click Build button
  6. Wait for completion


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