How to set and check bugfest release versions

How to set and check bugfest release versions

This is a description of a process of version update for hotfixes during the release.

Hotfix release guide

  1. Every team must update the release version in Jira and in a pull request.
  2. In case of a hotfix, a minor version should be updated.
    Update v0.0.X - where X updated version.

 Detailed release process description can be found here: PO Bugfix and Hotfix Release Process.

How to verify a new version was deployed? 

  1. Go to the required environment. E.g. https://bugfest.folio.ebsco.com/
  2. Go to the settings page.
  3. Check required version on "Software versions page".

Software versions

2020 Q3 Honeysuckle PO Bugfix and Hotfix Release Process:

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