Settings for edifact order export

Organization settings:

“Summary” accordion:

Vendor – active

“Vendor information” accordion:

Payment method = EFT

Export to accounting – active

“Accounts” accordion contains at least one account:

Name=any value

(warning) Account number=any value (note it for integration method settings and order line creation)

Payment method=EFT

Account status=Active

Add/edit item in “Integration details” accordion in “Organization name” pane:

(warning) Specify “Account numbers” with vendor account number created above

Automate order export for acquisition methods = Purchase

Send account number – active

Orders – active

Invoices – active



Server address=

FTP connection mode=Active



FTP port=22

Order directory=/files

Invoice directory=/files

Schedule appropriate time: you should set time according to tenant Time zone, not for your current Time zone. To know which time is setting please see Settings->Tenant->Language and localization->Time zone (time zone used when showing date time information).

Order settings:

Vendor=vendor name was set in Organizations

Manual - NOT active

Approved - active

PO line settings:

Acquisition method=Purchase (as was specified in integration method settings)

Automatic export – Active

(warning) Account number= vendor account number created above

Fill remaining mandatory fields

Click “Save & open order” (If no such button - click “Save & close”, come back to Purchase order pane, click Actions->Open)