How to setup and use carrier-io

How to setup and use carrier-io

This article describes how to set up carrier-io instance and contains information about how to use it. 


  • Terraform
  • Ansible

Step-by-step guide:

  1. Clone perf-testing repo from master branch
  2. Navigate to carrier-io/terraform subfolder
  3. Define AWS profile (if needed)

    $ export AWS_PROFILE=<profile name>
  4. Create variables.auto.tfvars from variables.auto.tfvars.example and update variables with necessary values
  5. Apply terraform script

    $ terraform init
    $ terraform apply
  6. After apply you will get domain name of carrier instance
  7. Login to keycloak Administration panel (creds in .env file on carrier instance). 
  8. Create carrier user and project Project-And-Users


  1. Login to carrier console
  2. Create Test Planner
  3. Execute tests
  4. Analyze tests report

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