First test checklist
First test checklist
- PERF-109Getting issue details... STATUS
- Carrirer IO installed, working stable and properly;
- Target endpoints (modules) deployed and working properly;
Steps to create test script:
Pre requirements:
- Java 8 (or higher) installed;
- JMeter installed;
Test creation:
- Create test using https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/FOLIJET/%280%29+JMeter+Scripts+Contribution+Guidelines following all SLA and JMeter Scripting guidelines;
As an example
Thing to check before uploading test script to Carrier IO:
- All required variables is setup in script (like HOSTNAME – (okapi), Vusers, Duration, rumpup, loops, etc; ) (0) JMeter Scripts Contribution Guidelines#(0)JMeterScriptsContributionGuidelines-CreatingJMeterTestScript
- Test name matches test plan name.
- All test data stored in jmeter-supported-data directory with .CSV files;
- JMter .JMX test plan + jmeter-supported-data folder are zipped in one archive and named as a test plan without .JMX extention.
Uploading archive artifact into CarrierIO:
- Using drag and drop, or browsing through the file system upload archive into carrier IO bucket;
Note: you can create new bucket or choose existing one depends on bucket list.
Jenkins job usage:
- Open Jenkins job;
- Provide all necessary variables;
- Build Jenkins job;