Investigate GET /item-storage/items test report

Investigate GET /item-storage/items test report

PERF-146 - Getting issue details... STATUS


The purpose of these tests is to compare results from two identical test runs on different environment. Find the reason of slowness if any will be there. 


Both system are stable under load and test passed without errors. Environments have a different logic in modules, so there is a difference in response times there. 

GCP1 env. shows faster response time than BHS1, less than 10 milliseconds difference on 75 percentile and less than 50 milliseconds on 95 percentile. 

It's not a big difference, however with such request per second rates it causes a visible difference in total count of calls.


  • mod-circulation:19.2.7;
  • mod-circulation-storage:12.1.4;
  • okapi:4.3.3;
  • mod-inventory-storage:19.4.4.


Test #

Virtual Users

Duration (sec)


3101800BHS1Modules restarted*
4101800GCP1Modules restarted*

*Circulation, inventory-storage, feesfines, mod-pubsub, okapi, mod-patron-blocks

Results comparison

Requests TotalReq/sResponse times (Seconds)
50th pct75th pct95th pct
1 setBHS1GET_item-storage/items?query=id==("" or "")&limit=2147483647369877205.4870.0390.0510.107
2 setBHS1283019197.7500.0430.0550.101


Response times (Seconds)

Min50th pct75th pct95th pct99th pctMax
1 set-0.0040.0010.0060.0460.035-6.088
2 set-0.0040.0040.0090.0360.042


Set 1 resource usage

BHS1 Service CPU usage for relevant modules:

BHS1 Service memory usage for relevant modules:

BHS1 RDS CPU usage 

GCP 1 Service CPU usage for relevant modules:

GCP1 Service memory usage for relevant modules:

GCP1 RDS CPU usage:

Set 2 resource usage

BHS1 Service CPU usage for relevant modules:

BHS1 Service memory usage for relevant modules:

BHS1 RDS CPU usage:

GCP1 Service CPU usage for relevant modules:

GCP1 Service memory usage for relevant modules:

GCP1 RDS CPU usage:

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