Performance Testing Toolset

Tools We Use:

  • BlaseMeter - to help creating JMeter scripts
    • CPU, Freeable Memory, and Connections diagrams to detect memory issues at database level.
    • Performance Insights - to easily spot slow queries without looking at the logs
      • Logs - database logs capturing slow queries - queries that execute longer than certain threshold, 10ms, for example.
  • AWS Cloudwatch:
    • Module logs - to detect missing indexes or errors.
    • Performance Dashboard - to examine service CPU and memory utilization levels
  • Giraffe: producing diagrams to understand the call graphs and their complexity. 
  • JProfiler - to analyze heap dumps
  • Eclipse's Memory Analyzer Tool - to analyze heap dumps
  • Carrier-io:
    • Grafana
      • JMeter dashboard - to get test results
      • Comparison
      • Profiling, Stack Trace
      • Okapi
      • Resource Utilization
    • Jenkins: To kick off individual test
    • Galloper: To set up test artifacts
    • pgHero: To view slow queries (> 40ms) and the counts or frequency of these queries being executed