Addition to Spike: MODKBEKBJ-459 Ability to filter titles by package(s) + titles/selection status + tags/access status types

MODKBEKBJ-459 - Getting issue details... STATUS


 There is no way for the user to filter to view the desired titles inside the package that s/he wants.


What do we currently have

There is no RM API endpoint exists so satisfy expected output as one request. In this case, we can analyze what we can be used in the existing system and what changes are required.

I picked out two actions 

  • get a list of unique packages by title name
  • return data (selection status, title name, package name, publisher name, and type) to UI

To search titles regardless of the package, mod-kb-ebsco-java uses existing GET /{custid}/titles endpoint, which can return package information. This means in return, we have a set of unique titles (by title id) but not packages. So, this endpoint can hardly be used to serve the required behavior without changes. 

 To get a list of unique packages from endpoint mentioned above we have to perform additional actions:

  • get the full list of the titles - RM API return batches 100 entries max, so, in case of 1000 titles we have to perform 10 requests to get all of them 
  • find unique package names

and return them on UI.

What can be done

The current implementation does not support filtering titles by packages at one time. Several options can be considered as solutions to provide the desired output. 

On RM API side

1. Retrieve information from RM API using separate endpoint

This option assumes creation of a new endpoint on the RM API side with the option to filter titles by package name.

RequirementCan be done?Explanation
Filter title results by package(s)should be supported by the RM API endpoint
This filter must work in tandem with searching titlesshould be supported by the RM API endpoint
This filter must work in tandem with selection statusshould be supported by the RM API endpoint
NICE TO HAVE - filter must work in tandem with access status types filter

not supported by an existing mod-kb-ebsco-java


NICE TO HAVE - filter must work in tandem with tags filter
Sort the resultsshould be supported by the RM API endpoint
Paging resultsshould be supported by the RM API endpoint

2. Additional query parameter to the existing RM API endpoint.

RM API already has an endpoint(GET /{custid}/titles),   which can retrieve titles regardless of the package with the list of following filters 



Available filters



titlename, publisher, isxn, subject and zdbid.


all, selected, notselected, orderedthroughebsco

all, journal, newsletter, report, proceedings, website, newspaper, unspecified,

book, bookseries, database, thesisdissertation, streamingaudio, streamingvideo, and audiobook

searchtypeany, contains, exactmatch, beginswith, proximity, exactphrase and advanced

  that could be updated by an additional filter to search by package name. Example:

Proposed filterpackagename

The filter name 'packagename' should not be treated as the desired name. It is an example name and should be changed to a reasonable one.

RequirementCan be done?Explanation
Filter title results by package(s)should be supported by the RM API endpoint
This filter must work in tandem with searching titlesshould be supported by the RM API endpoint
This filter must work in tandem with selection statussupported by the RM API endpoint
NICE TO HAVE - filter must work in tandem with access status types filter

not supported by an existing mod-kb-ebsco-java


NICE TO HAVE - filter must work in tandem with tags filter
Sort the resultssupported by the RM API endpoint
Paging resultssupported by the RM API endpoint


There is no possibility to have this functionality done in the nearest future because of the workload of the RM API team.

If we stick to this option we have two options to consider:

  • wait until RM API will have the capacity to include this work into the scope
  • propose to implement needed functionality by the Spitfire team.

 On kb-ebsco-java side

The other possibility is to perform filtering on the kb-ebsco-java side. 

1. Use stored holdings information

As another option, we can think about using holdings that are load every 5 days for each KB credentials. The information available to get from RM API much more extensive compared to stored info in the holdings table. Let's compare the information stored in the module and provided by RM API.

According to the screenshot at the top of the page, the desired information includes the following fields:

Required infoStored in holdingsCan be added to holdings info
Selection status
Title name
Package name
Publisher name
Publication/Resource type

Detailed information about holding fields can be found here - GET /{custid}/reports/holdings/deltas/{deltaReportId}

RequirementCan be done?Explanation
Filter title results by package(s)

possible because needed data stored in holdings table

This filter must work in tandem with searching titles
This filter must work in tandem with selection statusholdings do not have information about the selection status
NICE TO HAVE - filter must work in tandem with access status types filternot supported by an existing implementation
NICE TO HAVE - filter must work in tandem with tags filternot supported by an existing implementation
Sort the results

as we operate with holdings table, maintained in the module

the sorting and paging will be done on the DB side by SQL query.

Paging results


  • view outdated data set - holdings table updates every 5 days for each KB credentials. So, there is a possible situation that the user may see the information about titles that is no longer exists.
  • RM API returns only selected holdings.
  • selection status filter can not be applied because the holdings table does not have this information
  • in case of data absence, we should have "second plan"

2.  Load titles data and process it in mod-kb-ebsco-java module

This is the most undesirable option. As it was described in "What do we currently have" section module should perform the work for getting unique package names by loading full titles list. That leads us to the option of storing loaded title list wheater in the cache or in the database.

It means that the package filter will be considered as a secondary filter after all titles loaded we are able to segregate the package list.

RequirementCan be done?Explanation
Filter title results by package(s)search by the package as a secondary filter
This filter must work in tandem with searching titlessearch as a first filter
This filter must work in tandem with selection statussupported by the RM API endpoint
NICE TO HAVE - filter must work in tandem with access status types filternot supported by an existing implementation
NICE TO HAVE - filter must work in tandem with tags filternot supported by an existing implementation
Sort the results

hard to maintain because of the complicated solution 

Paging results


  • two separate calls to the same RM API endpoint to get 
    • page with titles - the result list from RM API is pageable
    • list of packages - separate call to load all packages that contain searched title
  • time cost for loading titles and selecting unique package names
  • storing packages and titles in mod-kb-ebsco-java module(in cache or db table) - leads to performance issues 

Example: below we have a title search example with 10_000 results. To have a unique package list for this request, we have to load all records and store them somewhere, for instance in cache. Then the user decides to change search request and in return also have ~10_000 results and we also have to store it.