Central Ordering

Central Ordering

UXPROD-4553 - Getting issue details... STATUS


  • Some consortia use centralized ordering and need to assign locations to orders across many or all tenants. These consortia should have access to the full list of locations in acquisitions processes. Assigning a location for a given tenant must allow holdings and items to be created accordingly in the appropriate tenant

Use Cases & Requirements:

Scope may require separate feature



Use cases

View full list of locations from all tenants in UI when creating orders


Central office creates orders and associated receiving pieces and holdings for member tenant. Central office needs to be able to assign locations without having to change affiliation for each order.

Allow user to activate funcitonality for central tenant Network ordering

Create any necessary permissions and settings to enable or disable this functionality based on consortium setup.


Not all consortia require this functionality, so it should be globally configurable.

Update order logic to create Holdings and Items in the correct tenant according to the specified Location


Multiple members share access to a physical location (e.g. remote storage facilities) and want to avoid multiple entries for the same physical location. 

Allow selection of any system location in various acquisitions and inventory processes

View full list of locations from all tenants in UI when assigning locations to Funds in central tenant

VERIFIEDLibrary may build a fund structure that is supported by the libraries location structure. Certain Funds should only be applied to materials being ordered for certain locations. Having the fund structure managed in the central tenant means all locations must be represented there to assign the appropriate restrictions
Display acq data on shared instances from both central and active affiliation tenantVERIFIEDUsers need the ability to see acq data on bib records for all acquisitions activity that is relevant to their library

Proposed workflow:








Functionality Potentially Impacted by Changes:

Functional area


Potential impact

Suggested Regression Testing
OrdersOrders and order lines, encumbrances, pending payments, payments/credits

InventoryInstance, holdings, itemsRetrieving acq data

Work Breakdown Structure:

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