| | Dennis | - Table has been pen for about a week to see what kind of sessions people want to see at WolfCon 2022
- Ideas will be put forth to the committee as suggested topics.
- Dung-Lan: Would like to see a demo of FY rollover before that since they will be rolling over before WolfCaon.
- From Ann Crowley to Everyone 12:08 PM
+1 Dung-Lan - Dennis: This would be a good topic for the implementers group.
- Dennis: How long do you think this session would be?
- Not sure
- Sara: Maybe a 2 part: Preparations for rollover in one part, then a 2nd part for actually doing it. Or a 90 minute broken into the two parts.
- Renewals: Are people interested in a session on how to manage renewals in FOLIO?
- From Heather to Everyone 12:10 PM yes to Renewals
From Suzanne Mangrum to Everyone 12:10 PM Our renewals are happening right now. From Suzette Caneda to Everyone 12:11 PM +1 to renewals From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone 12:11 PM yes to renewals demo, too! From Bethany Blankemeyer to Everyone 12:11 PM Ours are also happening now - Sara Colglazier: There will be a lot of different ways to approach renewals. Not sure yet how this will work in Folio.
- Will putting an end date in the subscription close the order?
- Dung-Lan: I would like to learn about the renewal functions in FOLIO. In old ILS, renewed at vendor, not in ILS. It will be helpful to see how it's handled differently in folio.
- From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 12:18 PM
+1 to Dung-Lan my renewals happen in EBSCOnet and FOKUS
- From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone 12:21 PM
Duke folks will very likely join WolfCon virtually in 2022, sadly :(
- Kristin Martin: Interested in movement of po's with inventory.
- From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone 12:23 PM Attending WolfCon virtually is a more realistic option for me, too!
- From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 12:24 PM
This is not so much for WOLFcon per se, but maybe also, but a good implementers topic: how Invoices reference pieces via the Order View ... so that one can see what one has paid for, e.g. for POLs that are Packages - Kristin Martin: Another possible topic: Identifier matching when you create a new order. In Lotus, can turn that off. We have talked about ways to make it more nuanced.
- Suzanne Mangrum: Also hope to be able to take a record into a profile so we can choose if, or how, to overlay. Bringing in vendor records when ordering something. In current system, we get a preview of what is going to over lay and what isn't.
- Ann-Marie: That isn't really working with Acq apps, that is more a Data import. We don't yet have the ability to preview.
- Kristin Martin: Another idea, is it worth it to have a session for implementers for ways to streamline and automate acquisitions.
- From Suzanne Mangrum to Everyone 12:36 PM +1 Kristen.
- From Heather to Everyone 12:36 PM + 1 Kristin
- From Suzette Caneda to Everyone 12:36 PM +1 Kristin
- From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone 12:37 PM
Not definite about embedded MARC order and invoice data getting pushed back. I know several libraries want to delay it, but it's still high priority for several other libraries. - Dennis: If most of you are not going to be able to attend, does that change anything. Is anyone optimistic they might be able to attend.
- Kristin Martin: They might be able to send one or two.
- Peter Sbrzensy: Covid is bad in Germany right now, but depending on situation, they plan to attend in person.
- Dennis: What about a conversation on what is missing at that point in time?
- From Suzanne Mangrum to Everyone 12:41 PM
I think that should come right after the workflow conversation 😊 I'm 5 months into FOLIO and some things are missing, but a lot of things need to be reimagined and the workflows re-mapped. It's hard to know where I am sometimes.
- Dung-Lan: Some functionality may be there, we just don't know how to use it.
- From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone 12:42 PM Tags - use lots of Tags!
- From Suzanne Mangrum to Everyone 12:42 PM I'm testing invoice tags next
- From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone 12:43 PM
We're not planning to use Tags at Duke until we have better management controls for tags (is there a way to delete tags yet?) - From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone 12:44 PM
No, not a way to delete tags yet, since no one is prioritizing the work, and not management controls. They are meant to be wild west, though we do have the concept of management control of tags in Phase 2 of the Tags work - Sara Colglazier: Would like discussion on the interface, on what information you see where.
- From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone 12:44 PM
+1 to Sara - for discussions of the UI layout - From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone 12:45 PM
I still say it's worth just playing with the tags, even if not yet controlled - to see if they are useful. And worst case, I think you can get someone to delete tags directly from storage - From Suzanne Mangrum to Everyone 12:46 PM
Yes. Our systems librarian can delete tags. But it's best to plan first. - From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone 12:48 PM
Planning is good - I agree, but playing/experimenting can lead to serendipity! As for the agenda today, should we plan to push back the Invoice discussion to next week? We have 12 mins left - From Shannon Burke to Everyone 12:48 PM
Regarding EDI Invoicing, Texas A&M is in Juniper Hotfix 3 environment, and I am seeing some files complete with errors. With the 16 GOBI EDI files I loaded, I had it complete with errors 7 times. Yet, if I reload the file, it completes fine. Is anyone else seeing this or is it local to Texas A&M? - From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone 12:49 PM
It's not consistent. It all depends on how much data the invoicing app can handle getting thrown at it. And that may depend on what else is happening in FOLIO at the same time. In Juniper HF4, we're putting in some additional fixes to make it process successfully more consistently. - From Shannon Burke to Everyone 12:50 PM
Thanks, that is helpful to know. - From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone 12:50 PM
The Honeysuckle documentation on https://docs.folio.org/ is still a working in progress, for sure. We're adding enhanced descriptions for fields and working on updates related to the Iris release which will hopefully get published in Dec/Jan. Then we'll start on updates for the Juniper release and so forth. - From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone 12:50 PM
OK - I officially recommend that we move invoice Q&A (especially dealing with large invoices in the Invoice app) to be the first topic of next Tues meeting. - From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 12:51 PM
Or, like, in Invoices: for Invoice Line: when to use New and when to use Add? What is really the difference, the effect?? - From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone 12:51 PM
Add will allow you to link to an existing POL, New allows you to create an invoice line that isn't related to an order - From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 12:52 PM
OK,but why would I want to do that? For example. I guess I meant it also as with what Dung-Lan was saying, about not understanding what things _really_ do - From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone 12:53 PM
If you're adding a line that is not related to a PO. It may be that you always link an invoice line to a PO line (except maybe tax and shipping), but some libraries pay for stuff without having a POL for that stuff. From Suzanne Mangrum to Everyone 12:53 PM One example - I create POs not connected to an inventory record for my EBA purchases. - Dennis: A lot of bug fixes have taken up the developers time. There is an opportunity right now to work on front end.
- From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone 12:54 PM
I think Sara's asking about invoice lines though, not POL lines. So she's looking for a use case of paying an invoice that isn't connected to an order. - From Suzanne Mangrum to Everyone 12:55 PM
Ohhh. sorry. We've done that too. Let me think... From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 12:55 PM Yes, exacrly From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone 12:55 PM PDA short term loan charges? From Suzanne Mangrum to Everyone 12:55 PM Yeah. Like Ann-Marie said. We do this for processing fees. From Ann Crowley to Everyone 12:56 PM We are doing Bindery charges that way without connected to a PO
54 minutes | Should PO template show hide apply when viewing orders or just editing. Are there use cases for hiding the field during both view and edit? |
| - Would you expect the fields you hid in the template to still not appear in the view?
- From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone 12:56 PM
Yes, we'd want the fields to hide from view
- Dennis: Are there some fields you will populate, but still hide from the user?
- No, if the field has data I would not want to hide it. It could make potential trouble shooting very difficult if there is hidden information.
- From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone 12:57 PM
We will not want to hide any field in the template that we'll need to see/use during the specific function. Not hiding required fields for sure. - From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone 12:58 PM
+1 Kristin - we want to see fields that contain data, but be able to hide those that are irrelevant to our workflows - From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 12:58 PM
OK, then I add what it is for (the invoice line) in the Description, ... THEN I guess I feel we need more info to show in the Transaction pane for the Funds ... so I have more places to know what the money is being spent on/for etc - From Suzanne Mangrum to Everyone 12:58 PM
I agree, Kristen. But it would be nice for my unit (one-time orders) to not have to scroll through the subscription choices. - From Peter Sbrzesny to Everyone 12:59 PM
+1 to Julie concerning hiding - Hide in the edit, but show in the view?
- From Ann Crowley to Everyone 01:01 PM
I understand what you are saying, and I believe we have actually submitted a request for enhancement to include more information in the fund screen. But for charges that really don't need a PO in FOLIO it allows you to create the invoice and add the description of what it is in the line.