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Janet Ewing, Kathleen Norton, Nancy Pelis, Sara Colglazier
Amherst College
Nancy Finn
Cornell University
Ann Crowley, Jackie Magagnosc, Jean Pajerek, Lisa Maybury, Masayo Uchiyama, Natalya Pikulik (np55)
Duke University
Adam Hudnut-Beumler, Julie Brannon, Shyama Agrawal
Dennis Bridges (EBSCO, Product Owner), Ann-Marie Breaux (Ebsco, Co-Product Owner)
Martina Schlidt, Peter Sbrzesny
Holy Cross
Mary Moran
Java developer
Kim Wiljanen (wiljanen)
Marmot Library Network
Lloyd Chittenden
Middle Tennessee State University
Susan Martin (Convener), Beverly Geckle
Missouri State
Mark Arnold
Skidmore College
Dung-Lan Chen
Stanford University
Alissa Hafele, Suzette Caneda
Texas A&M University
Heather McMillan (Co-Convener), Frances Dotson, John Ballestro, Kimberly Pamplin, Michael Phillips, Okay Okonkwo, Shannon Burke , Winter White
University Library Frankfurt
Tatjana Clemens
University of Chicago
Julie Stauffer, Kristin Martin, Scott Perry
University of Colorado
Steve Selleck
Lisa G Smith, Toni
Review and confirm the details of displaying acquisition information on Item records. UXPROD-1995 - Item: Display of POL number, Order status, Order date and Price in the Acquisition accordionIN REFINEMENT
Product ID search returning random results - problem in Kiwi environment.
Substring searching being strange. Technical restrictions because of how product ID and product ID type are implemented.
Is is important to have substring searching in product ID. Where you might use 14, and expect the system to give you back all the orders with the the product ID that includes those two numbers that might be in the center?
No, we would have the whole ID
From Kristin Martin to Everyone 12:06 PM Always whole ISBN
From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 12:07 PM 10 rather than 13 digit isbn
Sara C: Was trying to think of a use case of a DVD where the product ID isn't a standard.
If I put in a 10 digit ISBN will it pull up the 13?
Dennis: To make the Product ID search more accurate, will remove the substring search with KIWI. You can search with a 'starts with' or 'ends with', but not any numbers in the middle.
From Masayo Uchiyama to Everyone 12:07 PM Yes to whole ISBN
From Martina Schildt to Everyone 12:07 PM whole ISBN
From Peter Sbrzesny to Everyone 12:07 PM +1
From Tatjana Clemens to Everyone 12:08 PM +1
Critical fields
Take a look in slack for some variations on how to show information icons. Cast a vote for your preference.
Continue to review receiving enhancement mock-ups - Bulk create pieces
Bulk create pieces - previous conversation, group does not really want to bulk upload from a file.
From Lloyd (Marmot Library Network) to Everyone 12:14 PM We might want to create pieces in bulk for migration, if not normal operation.
Key things identified as high value
Ability to have guidance when creating piece. So if last piece received was v.1, no.1, 2021, then the next is v.1, no.2, 2021
Major problem to add pieces now is that it is slow.
Without getting into publication patterns yet, here are some suggested improvements.
Create multiple pieces in a row,
Allow user to toggle “Create another” so they can add multiple pieces without all the clicks.
When we reload the form, we carry over the fields.
Both save and receive become primary buttons as they will allow user to dismiss current piece and create the next
When creating multiple pieces in a row the information will carry forward from the previously created piece
Dung-Lan: I think being able to create multiple pieces this way. Would like it if the expected receive date can be automatically updated to 30 days (or whatever the time frame is).
From Adam Hudnut-Beumler to Everyone 12:23 PM At Duke, we still receive so many weeklies that this amount of manual entry would be much less efficient than our current system If this was the only way, the expected receipt date updating feature would certainly be necessary
Ann-Marie: Piece is an acquisitions entity that doesn't exist in inventory. Item records are inventory entities that don't exist in the orders. They kind of interact with each other, but are different records. There is not necessarily a 1 to 1 between item and piece, although there often is.
From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone 12:31 PM Might help to have a duplicate warning From Jackie Magagnosc to Everyone 12:33 PM And you get the same behavior in Inventory when you duplicate Holdings or Items, so it's consistent behavior across the system From Shyama Agrawal to Everyone 12:33 PM At Law library we frequently use 'Duplicate" for items that can't be predicted; like replacement volumes for codes. Sometimes we have multiple components coming at different intervals. From Adam Hudnut-Beumler to Everyone 12:34 PM Ditto the usefulness of a duplicate feature for received items. Supplemental issues are not always "expected." Step in the right direction, definitely.
36 minutes after
Continue to review receiving enhancement mock-ups - notifications
Dennis: The other thing that stood out was notifications: Basically just telling user the issue is overdue.
We don't have a way to notify a specific user
We do have a mechanism for alerts
Alter when expected receipt date has elapsed
If the expected receipt date has elapsed based on the Organization “expected receipt interval” an alert is show on POL
Would you want to filter by alert at the order level, or in the receiving app itself?
Ann-Marie: This is either the first piece to start thinking of claiming, or a preliminary feature that gets us ready to talk about claiming in the future.
Julie Stauffer: Where would it display? If you were working thorough subscription invoices, would you see it as part of processing invoices? Or only in a direct search? What is the intent?
Ann-Marie: We have order line, receiving information, invoice line...
Dennis: In the receiving area, in theory, we have a mechanism to produce these things by using the filter.
From Lisa G Smith to Everyone 12:36 PM Could we filter by alert?
From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 12:37 PM +1 re filter by alert or some sort of push notice. ERM dashboard tie in??
From Martina Schildt to Everyone 12:38 PM filter by overdue date and display on Dashboard +1 Sara :)
From Lisa G Smith to Everyone 12:38 PM If we had a way to bring these records together, it would be helpful. Either in orders or receiving.
From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 12:39 PM I would take an email for an alert, if that is easiest to start
From Scott Stangroom to Everyone 12:40 PM Could you write the “claim” or not received item to a report that could be run monthly and ad hoc?
From Adam Hudnut-Beumler to Everyone 12:40 PM +1 Scott & Lisa
Sara C: There is a bit of danger to conflate the invoice issue with the claiming issue.
Dennis: Summary: It would be valuable to know when the time has elapsed, But how to alert users, and what we consider elapsed, gets us into conversations about other functionalities.
From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 12:49 PM frequency and claim period
50 minutes after the hour
exporting orders in edifact format
Need your reactions to this pattern
In the organization record, there is an accordion for EDI information
implementing the ability to send orders from folio to other systems via edi.
Want to allow the ability for the organization to have more than one configuration.
Exploring having a different pattern for this information.
Looking at having the user create the organization first, then add the details for the configurations afterwards.
Hope is that by doing it this way, the form is less cluttered.
Avoid some of the problems that have been experienced from not allowing users to edit.
Does this change make sense you everyone?
We can pick this up if everyone needs time to think about this.
Ann-Marie: how much do you expect that for one organization in folio that you will have more than one form needed?
From Peter Sbrzesny to Everyone 12:59 PM We would have many different library accounts
Dung-Lan - I wasn't sure what you were asking. For a vendor we will have different profiles under the EDI.
Dennis: We are talking about how you add the details to an organization.
Ann-Marie: We are not wanting to have a situation where you have to have a vendor record for every account.
From Adam Hudnut-Beumler to Everyone 01:01 PM Thanks for clarification, Dennis. I'd vote the latter option
From Peter Sbrzesny to Everyone 01:01 PM Editing after creating would be ok
From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone 01:02 PM +1 to Adam