Ramsons UAT - User Data Export for Library Card Printing
Test environment: FOLIO
Test credentials (username/password):
Users: Can edit user profile
Users: Can view profile pictures
Jira feature: UXPROD-4844: LC Reader Registration: Export User Data needed to for Library Card PrintingClosed
Feedback form: https://forms.office.com/r/miJQeMUZ2S
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Overview of User Data Export for Library Card Printing
(Sign in not required, just select “Google Drive File”)
(Sign in not required, just select “Google Drive File”)
These pre-defined users have all been assigned to the (LCP Test) patron group to simplify searching:
User type: Patron
Attached profile picture is from a locally uploaded image
User type: Staff
Attached profile picture is from a locally uploaded image
User type: Patron
Attached profile picture is linked from an external URL
User type: Staff
Attached profile picture is linked from an external URL
User type: Patron
User has no attached profile picture
Export data - User with a locally uploaded Profile Picture
Log in to the test environment (linked above) using the LCP-test credentials.
Navigate to the Users app.
Search for the LCP-local-pic-p user
The user’s details should open in a third pane.
On the user details pane, select Actions > Print library card
Ensure that two files are downloaded, the .CSV file with the user data, and the profile picture.
Ensure that the success message displays with the message: Export complete. Profile picture exported in separate file.
Note: your browser may prompt you to allow multiple downloads before both files will download.
Ensure that the .CSV file includes the following fields:
First Name, export Preferred name instead if it is present
Middle Name
Last Name
Patron Group
Expiration Date (in format DD/MM/YYYY)
Repeat steps 3-5 with LCP-local-pic-s
Export data- User with an externally linked Profile Picture
Log in to the test environment (linked above) using the LCP-test credentials.
Navigate to the Users app.
Search for the LCP-url-pic-p user
The user’s details should open in a third pane.
On the user details pane, select Actions > Print library card
Ensure that a single .CSV file is downloaded
Ensure that the success message displays with the message: Export complete. Profile picture URL included in exported file.
Ensure that the .CSV file includes the following fields:
First Name, export Preferred name instead if it is present
Middle Name
Last Name
Patron Group
Expiration Date (in format DD/MM/YYYY)
Repeat steps 3-5 with LCP-url-pic-s
Export option disabled - User without a Profile Picture
Log in to the test environment (linked above) using the LCP-test credentials.
Navigate to the Users app.
Search for the LCP-no-pic user
The user’s details should open in a third pane. The record should not have a profile picture attached
On the user details pane, select Actions
Ensure that the Print library card option is disabled.