- INN-Reach: Record Contribution EnhancementsUXPROD-4108Resolved issue: UXPROD-4108Tim Auger
- INN-Reach: Ability to activate/deactivate ongoing record contribution on-demandUXPROD-3804Tim Auger
- Update sub permissions in the package.jsonUIU-3218Resolved issue: UIU-3218Svitlana Kovalova
- User-details pane displays perpetual loading-spinner when API returns 4xxUIU-3057
- SPIKE: investigate possibility for wildcard search implementation for ui-requests moduleUIREQ-699Resolved issue: UIREQ-699Igor Godlevskyi
- Incomplete search results after applying "User assignment status" facet and any other facet for authorization roleUIPFU-107Uladzislau Kutarkin
- INN-Reach paging slips not breaking pages between slipsUIINREACH-219Resolved issue: UIINREACH-219Tim Auger
- Add "Print INN-Reach paging slip" action to transaction detail action menuUIINREACH-218Resolved issue: UIINREACH-218
- Unable to generate "Request too long" folder on volaris 1UIINREACH-213Resolved issue: UIINREACH-213Priyanka Terala
- INN-Reach: Item type to material type mappings (circulation settings) not appearing correctly in Setting UIUIINREACH-210Resolved issue: UIINREACH-210Tim Auger
- INN-Reach: Agency to FOLIO location map configuration not displaying correctlyUIINREACH-209Resolved issue: UIINREACH-209Tim Auger
- INN-Reach: FOLIO to INN-Reach locations mapping configuration not displaying properlyUIINREACH-208Resolved issue: UIINREACH-208Tim Auger
- INN-Reach: Material to item type mapping settings not displaying correctlyUIINREACH-207Resolved issue: UIINREACH-207Tim Auger
- "Request too long" report does not include PATRON_HOLD transactions without updatedDateUIINREACH-205Resolved issue: UIINREACH-205Tim Auger
- Transactions with a link in the Patron ID field are not included in the list of search results by Patron ID.UIINREACH-200Resolved issue: UIINREACH-200Tim Auger
- Visible patron ID configuration always includes "User custom fields" selectedUIINREACH-199Resolved issue: UIINREACH-199Tim Auger
- Agency to FOLIO Location Mapping Settings Not Listing all Available LibrariesUIINREACH-196Resolved issue: UIINREACH-196Tim Auger
- FOLIO circulation user for INN-Reach patron type only accepts 10 barcodes as valid (FOLIO implicit limit=10 bug)UIINREACH-195Resolved issue: UIINREACH-195Tim Auger
- INN-Reach Central Patron Type Mapping Does Not Display all FOLIO Patron Groups for MappingUIINREACH-194Resolved issue: UIINREACH-194Tim Auger
- The "are you sure" modal window is not offered after re-editing.UIINREACH-193Resolved issue: UIINREACH-193Tim Auger
- The time change is not displayed in the table on the “Check out to borrowing site” screen.UIINREACH-188Resolved issue: UIINREACH-188Tim Auger
- Add missing permissionsUIINREACH-187Resolved issue: UIINREACH-187Dmytro Melnyshyn
- A user with the "Settings (inn-reach): All INN-Reach settings: CRUD" permission cannot create and edit INN-Reach paging slip templates.UIINREACH-186Resolved issue: UIINREACH-186no active
- User with permission cannot save "Pickup locations" settings.UIINREACH-183Resolved issue: UIINREACH-183no active
- Record Contribution: Provide management interface for record contribution jobs in INN-Reach (Current Contribution, Enhanced)UIINREACH-175Brooks Travis
- Provide setting to enable/disable lookup of FOLIO service points as pickup locations for item hold transactions based on incoming Pickup Location from INN-Reach transactionUIINREACH-173Resolved issue: UIINREACH-173no active
- Check out to borrowing sites result list loan due date information displays the loan date, not the due dateUIINREACH-171Resolved issue: UIINREACH-171Brooks Travis
- Loan action menu items in INN-Reach check-out to borrowing site interface do not workUIINREACH-170Resolved issue: UIINREACH-170no active
- INN-Reach Staff Interface: INN-Reach Transaction Detail View Action Menu (Item hold) - Cancel hold on TRANSFER StateUIINREACH-169Resolved issue: UIINREACH-169Brooks Travis
- Edit INN-Reach Paging Slip TemplatesUIINREACH-162Resolved issue: UIINREACH-162no active
- iNN-Reach Settings: Manage INN-Reach Paging Slip Template for Central ServerUIINREACH-161Resolved issue: UIINREACH-161no active
- Add permissions to the "Configure Visible Patron ID Field" settingsUIINREACH-157Resolved issue: UIINREACH-157Dmytro Melnyshyn
- Update INN-Reach Transaction Results List to Sort by Request Date Descending (newest requests first)UIINREACH-156Resolved issue: UIINREACH-156Brooks Travis
- The List of Local Servers and Their Associated Agencies Displayed in "Agency to FOLIO Locations" Settings Should Not Include the Local Server/Agencies Hosted by the FOLIO LocalUIINREACH-155Resolved issue: UIINREACH-155Brooks Travis
- Transaction list is filled with empty records when scrolling it fastUIINREACH-152Resolved issue: UIINREACH-152Igor Godlevskyi
- Deploy ui-servicepoints to Volaris Rancher EnvironmentsUIINREACH-151Resolved issue: UIINREACH-151Igor Godlevskyi
- BE integration: FOLIO to INN-Reach Locations Settings Should Group Mappings by INN-Reach AgencyUIINREACH-150Resolved issue: UIINREACH-150Dmytro Melnyshyn
- Cannot un-set Location-level FOLIO to INN-Reach location mappingUIINREACH-149Resolved issue: UIINREACH-149Brooks Travis
- (ui-inn-reach) Lotus R1 2022 ReleaseUIINREACH-148Resolved issue: UIINREACH-148Igor Godlevskyi
- INN-Reach Staff Interface: Receive Shipped Item - modal window behaviorUIINREACH-145Resolved issue: UIINREACH-145Dmytro Melnyshyn
- Configure Visible Patron ID FieldUIINREACH-142Resolved issue: UIINREACH-142Brooks Travis
- Update the @folio/stripes-cli versionUIINREACH-140Resolved issue: UIINREACH-140Dmytro Melnyshyn
- INN-Reach Staff Interface: Receive Shipped Item - remove unnecessary print logicUIINREACH-139Resolved issue: UIINREACH-139Dmytro Melnyshyn
- INN-Reach Staff Interface: change Modal content on 'Receive Shipped Item' pageUIINREACH-137Resolved issue: UIINREACH-137Dmytro Melnyshyn
- INN-Reach In-app Report: In-transit too Long ReportUIINREACH-136Resolved issue: UIINREACH-136Brooks Travis
- INN-Reach In-app Report: Returned too Long ReportUIINREACH-135Resolved issue: UIINREACH-135Brooks Travis
- INN-Reach In-app Report: Borrowing Site Stale Requests Report (Requested too Long)UIINREACH-134Resolved issue: UIINREACH-134Brooks Travis
- INN-Reach In-app Report: Owning Site Paged Too LongUIINREACH-133Resolved issue: UIINREACH-133Brooks Travis
- INN-Reach In-app Report: Owning Site Overdue (Institutional Overdue Report)UIINREACH-132Resolved issue: UIINREACH-132Brooks Travis
- INN-Reach Settings: Add Setting to Configure Custom Field for INN-Reach Patron BlockUIINREACH-130
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