Provide setting to enable/disable lookup of FOLIO service points as pickup locations for item hold transactions based on incoming Pickup Location from INN-Reach transaction



Provide a settings interface to manage enabling/disabling of optional lookup of FOLIO pickup location for requests associated with item hold transactions based on the pickup location value provided by the central server in the transaction if the FOLIO local server is configured to support this.

User story statement(s):

As a FOLIO administrator, I want to edit a setting so that pickup location lookup for item holds looks up FOLIO service points based on pickup location codes provided in the item hold transaction


  1. Scenario:

    • Given INN-Reach settings

    • When the user selects the INN-Reach settings item

    • Then a "Pickup locations" settings item appears in the "Circulation settings" (née "circulation mappings") section

  2. Scenario:

    • Given the "Pickup locations" settings item

    • When selected

    • Then a "Central server" select menu is presented

  3. Scenario:

    • Given the "Central server" select menu

    • When a central server is selected

    • Then present a check box with label "Enable local pickup locations for item holds" (default is false) is presented with "Save" and "Cancel" buttons

  4. Scenario:

    • Given the check box

    • When it is activated/deactivated (depending on initial state)

    • Then the "Save" button becomes active

  5. Scenario:

    • Given the "Save" button is active

    • When the user activates "Cancel"

    • Then the "are you sure" modal is presented (see existing INN-Reach settings for example)

  6. Scenario:

    • Given the "are you sure" modal

    • When the user selects "continue editing"

    • Then return them to the previous state of the form

  7. Scenario:

    • Given the "are you sure" modal

    • When the user selects "proceed"

    • Then the user is taken back to the INN-Reach main settings view with no item selected

  8. Scenario:

    • Given the "save" button is active

    • When the user attempts to navigate away from the un-saved form

    • The repeat the "are you sure" scenarios used for cancel, but navigate to the user's indicated destination instead of returning to the INN-Reach settings menu where appropriate

  9. Scenario:

    • Given the "save" button is active

    • When the user activates the "Save" button

    • Then the indicated setting state is saved and the user remains on the view with the "Save" button deactivated again



Potential Workaround




TestRail: Results



no active June 24, 2022 at 11:13 AM

The following scenarios are tested in

1.The user can save the "Pickup locations" settings with the set value in the checkbox "Enable local pickup locations for item holds".

2.Validation of the "Central server " field except behavior described in the bug

3.The user can continue editing "Pickup locations" settings after attempting to navigate away from the un-saved form.

4.The user can close without saving the un-saved form of the "Pickup locations" settings.

5.Use default pickup location of the institutional patron for creating request if  looking up pickup locations by code from ITEM_HOLD transaction is not configured.

6.Request is not generated when looking up pickup locations by code from ITEM_HOLD transaction is not configured and without "Default pickup service point" option for institutional patron.

7. Use the code from ITEM_HOLD transaction to looking up pickup location for request if it is configured.

8. Use default pickup location of the institutional patron for creating request if looking up pickup locations by code from ITEM_HOLD transaction is configured and the agency with such code is not configured.

no active June 22, 2022 at 2:56 PM

It is agreed that the button names on "are you sure" modal will be: "Keep editing", "Close without saving".

Dmytro Melnyshyn June 20, 2022 at 12:52 PM

The removal of the "Cancel" button was agreed upon at the stand-up.

Igor Godlevskyi May 16, 2022 at 11:31 AM

 in this story we only need to add a setting storing the enable/disable flag in mod-config?

And applying this setting in the app will be a separate story? 






Story Points


Development Team


Fix versions


Morning Glory (R2 2022)

TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created May 16, 2022 at 4:24 AM
Updated August 19, 2022 at 10:36 AM
Resolved June 24, 2022 at 11:14 AM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs