Tim Auger
Tim AugerReporter
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Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created June 29, 2022 at 1:39 PM
Updated October 18, 2024 at 11:12 AM
Resolved September 7, 2022 at 4:28 AM
Overview: The time change is not displayed in the table on the “Check out to borrowing site” screen after saving new due date and time.
Steps to Reproduce:
Log into FOLIO environment as User with the "INN-Reach App: All permissions", "Check out: Check out circulating items", "Inventory: View instances, holdings, and items" permissions.
Go to INN-Reach app.
Find the transaction with the transaction type is "Item" and with INN-Reach transaction status is “ITEM_HOLD”.
Click on transaction.
Copy to clipboard a barcode for an item associated with that item hold transaction (Transaction detail view > Item information accordion > "Item ID" link > Administrative data accordion > Item barcode).
Return to INN-Reach app.
Select "Check out to borrowing site" from the drop down list of activities located at the top of the Search & filter pane.
Enter the barcode from clipboard in the field.
Click "Enter" button.
Click on "..." link in the last column "Actions" of the information table.
Click on the "Change due date" menu item.
Set the checkbox to select an item.
Change the date and time.
Click "Save and close" button.
Click "Close" button.
Check Due Date and Time in the table
Expected Results: The due date and time in the table on the “Check out to borrowing site” screen have changed to the set ones.
Actual Results: The time in the table has not been updated.