INN-Reach Settings: Add Setting to Configure Custom Field for INN-Reach Patron Block



Provide a settings interface to configure the custom field to be used to indicate that a patron should be blocked from performing INN-Reach requests.

User story statement(s):

As a FOLIO INN-Reach integration administrator with permission to modify INN-Reach settings,
I want to select an existing checkbox custom field to use to indicated that the user should be blocked from placing INN-Reach requests
so that the library can limit INN-Reach circulation activity without blocking local circulation for the patron.


  1. Scenario:

    • Given a user with permission to manage INN-Reach settings

    • When the user visits Settings > INN-Reach

    • Then a "Patron block" section should appear under Settings > INN-Reach > Circulation mappings

  2. Scenario:

    • Given the "Patron block" section

    • When the user selects "Patron block"

    • Then the standard INN-Reach setting central server selection menu is presented

  3. Scenario:

    • Given the user selects a configured central server

    • When an existing patron block configuration has been set

    • Then the existing patron block configuration is presented with an inactive "Save" button in the standard location

  4. Scenario:

    • Given the user selects a configured central server

    • When no existing patron block configuration exists

    • Then the user is presented a list of existing checkbox-type (SINGLE_CHECKBOX) custom fields to choose from with an inactive "Save" button in the standard location and a section header "Choose INN-Reach patron block custom field"

  5. Scenario

    • Given the list of existing checkbox-style custom fields

    • When the user selects one (or changes the selection)

    • Then the "Save" button becomes active

  6. Scenario

    • Given the "Save" button is active

    • When the user activates the "Save" button

    • Then the configuration is created/updated the the central server



Potential Workaround




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Open TestRail: Runs
Created January 4, 2022 at 4:43 AM
Updated April 30, 2024 at 1:06 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs