Brooks Travis
Brooks TravisPriority
Development Team
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created January 4, 2022 at 4:43 AM
Updated April 30, 2024 at 1:06 PM
Provide a settings interface to configure the custom field to be used to indicate that a patron should be blocked from performing INN-Reach requests.
User story statement(s):
As a FOLIO INN-Reach integration administrator with permission to modify INN-Reach settings,
I want to select an existing checkbox custom field to use to indicated that the user should be blocked from placing INN-Reach requests
so that the library can limit INN-Reach circulation activity without blocking local circulation for the patron.
Given a user with permission to manage INN-Reach settings
When the user visits Settings > INN-Reach
Then a "Patron block" section should appear under Settings > INN-Reach > Circulation mappings
Given the "Patron block" section
When the user selects "Patron block"
Then the standard INN-Reach setting central server selection menu is presented
Given the user selects a configured central server
When an existing patron block configuration has been set
Then the existing patron block configuration is presented with an inactive "Save" button in the standard location
Given the user selects a configured central server
When no existing patron block configuration exists
Then the user is presented a list of existing checkbox-type (SINGLE_CHECKBOX) custom fields to choose from with an inactive "Save" button in the standard location and a section header "Choose INN-Reach patron block custom field"
Given the list of existing checkbox-style custom fields
When the user selects one (or changes the selection)
Then the "Save" button becomes active
Given the "Save" button is active
When the user activates the "Save" button
Then the configuration is created/updated the the central server