- Must refresh login screen to see SSO Login optionUIU-1442Resolved issue: UIU-1442
- A user without permissions to see loan policy should not be able to see that choice in the 3 dot menu.UIU-1181Resolved issue: UIU-1181Oleksandr Antonenko
- Intermittent: Unable to change service pointUIU-1179Resolved issue: UIU-1179
- [BE] When inventory data (e.g. barcode, instance title) changes for requested item, request should update accordinglyUIREQ-650
- CSV export not well formatted when opening in Excel (some users)UIREQ-571Resolved issue: UIREQ-571Brooks Travis
- Cannot sort request results by Position columnUIREQ-330Resolved issue: UIREQ-330Cate Boerema
- Barcode should replace folio ID when added to item recordUIREQ-327Resolved issue: UIREQ-327
- Saving request takes 6 seconds after FOLIO open for a whileUIREQ-324Resolved issue: UIREQ-324
- Hold shelf expiration date not displaying after request expires (Closed - Pickup expired)UIREQ-323Resolved issue: UIREQ-323Maxim Didenko
- Intermittent: Error cancelling request ("Cannot edit closed request")UIREQ-321Resolved issue: UIREQ-321Michal Kuklis
- Unable to edit/delete an interface without a nameUIORGS-100Resolved issue: UIORGS-100Владислав Велицкий
- Assign a newly created interface to an Organization recordUIORGS-89Resolved issue: UIORGS-89Dennis Bridges
- Long vendor reference number crashes into the vendor ref number typeUIOR-387Resolved issue: UIOR-387Ann-Marie Breaux
- Order templates not in alphabetical orderUIOR-364Resolved issue: UIOR-364Ann-Marie Breaux
- POL Column headers and results not aligned in 3 pane displayUIOR-363Resolved issue: UIOR-363Ann-Marie Breaux
- Bill-to Ship-to address not aligned properlyUIOR-362Resolved issue: UIOR-362Ann-Marie Breaux
- Clicking request queue link in item record doesn't work when barcode added laterUIIN-821Resolved issue: UIIN-821Cate Boerema
- Saving edited item record VERY slow after adding request, checking out, viewing loan etc.UIIN-687Resolved issue: UIIN-687Ryan Berger
- Request link on checkout page not showing requests awaiting pickupUICHKOUT-572Resolved issue: UICHKOUT-572Emma Boettcher
- Check in takes ~4 sec when item has request on itUICHKIN-111Resolved issue: UICHKIN-111Cate Boerema
- American date format on Checkout receiptMODTEMPENG-25Resolved issue: MODTEMPENG-25Dmytro Tur
- Removing Volume leaves "tl ()" displaying in EDSMODRTAC-17Resolved issue: MODRTAC-17Matt Reno
- Call number suffix not displaying in EDSMODRTAC-16Resolved issue: MODRTAC-16Martin Tran
- Permission error while creating recall requestMODPATRON-27Resolved issue: MODPATRON-27Martin Tran
- Hold shelf clearance report not including pages due to page requests changing status when cancelled/expiredCIRC-429Resolved issue: CIRC-429Marc Johnson
- Check in takes ~4 sec when item has request on itCHAL-79Resolved issue: CHAL-79Cate Boerema
- Not possible to edit POL without first being at POCHAL-27Resolved issue: CHAL-27Dennis Bridges
- Organizations: Unable to attach a contactCHAL-25Resolved issue: CHAL-25
- Get an error message when accessing a License with an Internal contact attachedCHAL-24Resolved issue: CHAL-24
- Must refresh login screen to see SSO Login optionCHAL-21Resolved issue: CHAL-21
- CSV export not well formatted when opening in Excel (some users)CHAL-18Resolved issue: CHAL-18Cate Boerema
- Request created via EDS has request creation date in the futureCHAL-17Resolved issue: CHAL-17
- Error when leaving username and password blankCHAL-16Resolved issue: CHAL-16
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