Ryan Berger
Ryan BergerReporter
Cate Boerema
Cate Boerema(Deactivated)Tester Assignee
Cate Boerema
Cate Boerema(Deactivated)Priority
Development Team
Stripes Force
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created August 27, 2019 at 3:01 PM
Updated October 16, 2019 at 3:43 PM
Resolved October 16, 2019 at 1:13 PM
I am finding this is actually quite easy to repro. It doesn't require waiting hours or anything as I initially thought. I just tried this in testing (see screencast here: These are the steps I took:
Go to Inventory
Search ABA
Open an item in ABA
Edit and save - Took 5 seconds for me
Create a request on the item
After request is created, go back to item and edit again - Took 6 seconds
In requests app, use some filters to find the request again and copy the barcode
Check the item out to the requester
From checkout, link over to Loan details record
From loan details, click barcode to get back to item record
Edit the item and save - Took 11 seconds this time (I think)
Search Inventory for Bridget
Open an item in Bridget Jones and edit
Save item - Took 20 seconds this time
----------------------------- OLD STEPS ----------------------------------
Steps to repro:
Log into any environment (repros in Chalmers which is 3.1 but also repros in folio-snapshot)
Go to Inventory and find an item
Edit the item (I added a check in note)
Save the changes
Performance starts out okay at the beginning of the day but over the course of the day, if the tab is left open, it deteriorates. The performance declines for saves in other apps, as well (Requests (, Users and maybe more)
Expected: Save should be snappy (not sure the exact SLA)
Actual: Takes around 18 seconds!! See attached screencast
Additional info: A hard refresh (ctrl F5 on windows) or opening in new tab/window improves performance significantly
I tested this on @kristin.olofsson computer and it was much faster, but then we did it again and it had slowed down to about 3 seconds. It seems like the performance on this might get worse the more you use it.
I also retried test in a fresh browser window on my machine and it was a lot faster
Reproduced on folio-snapshot on @Cate Boerema's machine at approximately 10:30 am CET on 2019-08-29. Theo opened developer tools and copied some info which might be helpful in the attached txt file.