- Spike: Data Export logs display in Consortium managerUICONSET-223Vadym Shchekotilin
- Sunflower 2025-R1 releaseUICONSET-222Resolved issue: UICONSET-222Mikita Siadykh
- Duplicating a role that is shared creates a corrupted Role with no capabilitiesUICONSET-221Resolved issue: UICONSET-221Molly Driscoll
- migrate react-intl and stripes dependencies to their Sunflower versionsUICONSET-220Resolved issue: UICONSET-220Yury Saukou
- migrate to shared GA workflowsUICONSET-219Resolved issue: UICONSET-219Yury Saukou
- Handle optional interfaces used for data fetchingUICONSET-218
- Issues with displaying data export logs from Member tenant in Consortium managerUICONSET-216
- ECS - Manage consortium-wide settings for Inventory - Holdings - Holdings sourcesUICONSET-215Resolved issue: UICONSET-215Joseph Reimers
- ECS | Data import logs quantity in consortium manager is not equal to quantity in "Data import" appUICONSET-213Resolved issue: UICONSET-213Dennis Bridges
- ECS | Eureka | Actions are disabled for local records in Consortium manager for user with capabilities for sharingUICONSET-214Resolved issue: UICONSET-214Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- ReleaseUICONSET-209Resolved issue: UICONSET-209
- (ECS) No error toast messages when viewing authorization policies list without proper capabilitiesUICONSET-208Resolved issue: UICONSET-208Yauhen Viazau
- Capabilities for a role not shown when comparing roles in "Consortium manager"UICONSET-207Resolved issue: UICONSET-207
- ECS | Eureka | Request to central tenant instead of member when compare users in "Consortium manager"UICONSET-206Resolved issue: UICONSET-206Dennis Bridges
- Refactor ui-inventory permissionsUICONSET-204Resolved issue: UICONSET-204Mariia Aloshyna
- ECS: Add Tenant identifier to title of Select user modalUICONSET-205Resolved issue: UICONSET-205Dennis Bridges
- ECS - Failed jobs are represented as links in Consortia managerUICONSET-202Resolved issue: UICONSET-202Mikita Siadykh
- Hide editing/sharing policy in "Consortium Manager"UICONSET-201Resolved issue: UICONSET-201Dennis Bridges
- Requirements analysisUICONSET-199Resolved issue: UICONSET-199Ryan Taylor
- ECS - View consortium-wide settings for Inventory - Instances - Subject typesUICONSET-198Resolved issue: UICONSET-198Ryan Taylor
- ECS - Allow user to share Inventory - Instances - Subject typesUICONSET-197Resolved issue: UICONSET-197
- ECS - Save consortium-wide settings for Inventory - Instances - Subject typesUICONSET-196Resolved issue: UICONSET-196
- ECS - View consortium-wide settings for Inventory - Instances - Subject sourcesUICONSET-195Resolved issue: UICONSET-195Ryan Taylor
- ECS - Allow user to share Inventory - Instances - Subject sourcesUICONSET-194Resolved issue: UICONSET-194
- ECS - Save consortium-wide settings for Inventory - Instances - Subject sourcesUICONSET-193Resolved issue: UICONSET-193
- ECS - Add new 'Subject sources' and 'Subject types' settings to Inventory section of Consortium ManagerUICONSET-192Resolved issue: UICONSET-192Ryan Taylor
- ECS | Statistical code types are not displayed in the dropdown when editing local statistical code recordUICONSET-200Resolved issue: UICONSET-200Dennis Bridges
- Test - Save, edit Authorization policies for consortiumUICONSET-191Dennis Bridges
- Consortium - Update the filtering so it works the same for both authorization roles and policiesUICONSET-190Resolved issue: UICONSET-190Dennis Bridges
- The cursor does not change from an "arrow" to a "hand" when hovering over the link.UICONSET-189Resolved issue: UICONSET-189Mikita Siadykh
- ECS-NON-OKAPI Hide "Permission sets" subheading from consortia manager navigationUICONSET-188Resolved issue: UICONSET-188Dennis Bridges
- ECS - Add error handler for Authorization roles and policiesUICONSET-185Resolved issue: UICONSET-185Dennis Bridges
- (ECS) "Permission sets" tab is shown in "Consortium manager" → "Users"UICONSET-184Resolved issue: UICONSET-184
- Data export permissions in ECSUICONSET-183Resolved issue: UICONSET-183Uladzislau Kutarkin
- View FQM manager consortia manager settingsUICONSET-182Kathleen Moore
- Update central ordering permission set to include publications permsUICONSET-181Resolved issue: UICONSET-181Yury Saukou
- ECS | Add permission to allow user see locations in the filterUICONSET-180Resolved issue: UICONSET-180Dennis Bridges
- Confirmation modal - Enable central ordering across consortiumUICONSET-178Resolved issue: UICONSET-178Dennis Bridges
- Share Authorization Policies for consortiumUICONSET-177Resolved issue: UICONSET-177Serhii_Nosko
- Limit access to sensitive information in Lists (consortium)UICONSET-176
- Lists (consortium) interfaceUICONSET-175
- Add Lists (Consortium) to Consortium managerUICONSET-174
- Share Authorization Roles for consortiumUICONSET-173Resolved issue: UICONSET-173Dennis Bridges
- Spike: compare rolesUICONSET-171Resolved issue: UICONSET-171Uladzislau Kutarkin
- Consortia manager - Duplicate authorization roleUICONSET-169Resolved issue: UICONSET-169Dennis Bridges
- Add "Logs & reports" category to Consortium managerUICONSET-168Resolved issue: UICONSET-168Joseph Reimers
- Compare User capabilities in full screen viewUICONSET-167Resolved issue: UICONSET-167Dennis Bridges
- Compare Authorization Role capabilities in full screen viewUICONSET-166Resolved issue: UICONSET-166Dennis Bridges
- Access compare authorization role OR user viewUICONSET-165Resolved issue: UICONSET-165
- ui-consortia-settings: module releaseUICONSET-164Resolved issue: UICONSET-164Mikita Siadykh
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