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Allow users to more easily assign the shadow accounts of specific users to roles, permissions sets etc.
(OKAPI) Add Tenant identifier to title of Modal in Consortia manager>users>Permissions sets:
Given user is assigning user records to permission sets in consortia manager
When user clicks assign button
AND Select user modal is displayed
Then Tenant identifier is shown in parentheses beside the modal Title
(Eureka) Add Tenant identifier to title of Modal in Consortia manager>Authorization Roles:
Given user is assigning user records to roles in consortia manager
Test successful in folio-snapshot. Both ECS and non-ECS
Tested on,, and - works as expected both in CM and settings (see attached screenshots) please review, thanks!
Tested here
Allow users to more easily assign the shadow accounts of specific users to roles, permissions sets etc.
(OKAPI) Add Tenant identifier to title of Modal in Consortia manager>users>Permissions sets:
Given user is assigning user records to permission sets in consortia manager
When user clicks assign button
AND Select user modal is displayed
Then Tenant identifier is shown in parentheses beside the modal Title
(Eureka) Add Tenant identifier to title of Modal in Consortia manager>Authorization Roles:
Given user is assigning user records to roles in consortia manager
When user clicks assign button
AND Select user modal is displayed
Then Tenant identifier is shown in parentheses beside the modal Title