Dennis Bridges
Dennis BridgesReporter
Dennis Bridges
Dennis BridgesLabels
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Ramsons (R2 2024)
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created March 19, 2024 at 1:33 PM
Updated November 1, 2024 at 4:07 PM
Resolved October 29, 2024 at 12:26 PM
Purpose: Consortium managers need to manage system roles at a high level, they need the ability to efficiently manage the creating and updating of roles for and on behalf of members of the system.
User story statement(s):
As an authorized consortium administrator working within the central consortium tenant,
I want to compare the capabilities of different roles OR users in the system
so that I can more effectively support member tenants in managing the capability of their users and the things they are able to do in the system
Display actions menu:
Given a staff user is working in Consortium manager and viewing Authorization roles
When second pane is displayed
Then action menu is shown in top right
AND menu contains following actions
Compare roles
Compare users
Display compare users view:
Given user clicked compare users in action menu
When full screen view is displayed
Then page contains two columns
AND in each column user can select Member from the member dropdown (Based on the affiliations selected in the header)
AND a users from the users dropdown
AND one of that users Roles (Optional)
Display user details
Given user clicked compare users in action menu
AND full screen view is displayed
When user has selected a user
Then its capabilities are displayed
AND if role is selected
Then the capability sets and capabilities of that role are displayed in the corresponding accordions below.
Highlight capabilities and capability sets:
Given user has selected a member and users in pane one AND two
When capabilities and capability sets are displayed
Then capabilities and capability sets with a name that only appears in ONE pane are highlighted in yellow
Change selection:
Given user has selected a member and users in pane one AND two
When user changes member and user selection in pane one OR two
Then list is refreshed and capabilities and capability sets with a name that only appears in ONE pane are once again highlighted in yellow
Select member for which user does not have capability to view users
Given user has selected a member
When user does not have capability for that affiliation to view users
Then error toast message is show
Message: "Could not load user. Your user does not have the capabilities needed to view user for the chosen affiliation."