Ryan Taylor
Ryan TaylorReporter
Ryan Taylor
Ryan TaylorPriority
Story Points
Development Team
Ramsons (R2 2024)
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created October 8, 2024 at 7:20 PM
Updated December 3, 2024 at 4:06 PM
Resolved October 29, 2024 at 7:30 AM
Purpose: Consortium managers need to manage controlled vocabularies common to all consortium members for a variety of purposes, including to maintain consortium-wide integrity and to allow for streamlined management of consortium members.
This should follow the "List" pattern for Consortium settings. This case is in support of Subject sources
User story statement(s):
As an authorized consortium administrator working within the central consortium tenant,
I want to manage consortium-wide controlled vocabularies for Inventory - Instances - Subject sources exclusively
so that consortium-wide interoperations and shared instance records behave consistently and uniformly
Display columns associated with setting:
Given an authorized user is in Consortium manager - Inventory
When that user clicks on Instances - Subject source
Then Subject sources appears as a header in the third pane
AND the number of selected institutions appears as a subheader in the third pane
AND all columns associated with Settings: Inventory: Subject sources should be displayed (Name, Code, Source, Last updated, Actions)
AND an additional column with a header of "Member libraries" should be present to indicate what member(s) that value is associated with
Display of member column when shared:
Given Scenario 1
When the "share" setting is "true" for a given Name
Then the value should be a single entry AND the member association should display "All"
Display of member column when not shared:
Given Scenario 1
When the "share" setting is "false" for a given Name
Then a separate entry for should appear for each selected member AND NO entry should appear for members not selected
Actions column
Given a line is editable based on Source
When I have appropriate permissions
Then the available editing icons appear in the Actions column