ECS - Manage consortium-wide settings for Inventory - Holdings - Holdings sources


Purpose: Consortium managers need to manage controlled vocabularies common to all consortium members for a variety of purposes, including to maintain consortium-wide integrity centrally managed workflows.

This should follow the "List" pattern for Consortium settings. This case is in support of Holdings Sources

User story statement(s):

As an authorized consortium administrator working within the central consortium tenant,
I want to manage consortium-wide controlled vocabularies for Inventory - Holdings - Holdings sources exclusively
so that consortium-wide interoperations and shared instance records behave consistently and uniformly


  1. Display columns associated with setting:

    • Given an authorized user is in Consortium manager - Holdings

    • When that user clicks on Instances - Holdings source

    • Then Holdings sources appears as a header in the third pane

    • AND the number of selected institutions appears as a subheader in the third pane

    • AND all columns associated with Settings: Holdings: Holdings sources should be displayed (Name, Source, Last updated, Actions)

    • AND an additional column with a header of "Member libraries" should be present to indicate what member(s) that value is associated with

  2. Display of member column when shared:

    • Given Scenario 1

    • When the "share" setting is "true" for a given Name

    • Then the value should be a single entry AND the member association should display "All"

  3. Display of member column when not shared:

    • Given Scenario 1

    • When the "share" setting is "false" for a given Name

    • Then a separate entry for should appear for each selected member AND NO entry should appear for members not selected

  4. Actions column

    • Given a line is editable based on Source

    • When I have appropriate permissions

    • Then the available editing icons appear in the Actions column

  5. Share permission:

    • Given user is viewing Inventory - Holdings - Holdings sources within Consortium manager

    • When user has permission Consortium manager : Share

    • Then that user can edit the "Share" toggle

  6. Display confirmation:

    • Given user has added a new row

    • AND given the Share toggle is set to "true"

    • When user clicks save

    • Then a confirmation modal is displayed

  7. Save:

    • Given confirmation is displayed

    • AND given message is shown: "Are you sure you want to share this setting with ALL members?"

    • When the user clicks save

    • Then the confirmation modal disappears

    • AND a row is added to the table with "All" displayed in the Member libraries column

  8. Cancel:

    • Given confirmation is displayed

    • AND message is shown: "Are you sure you want to share this setting with ALL members?"

    • When the user clicks cancel

    • Then the confirmation modal is dismissed

    • AND the user is able to keep editing.

  9. Create and edit permission:

    • Given a staff user is working in Consortium manager and viewing Inventory

    • When user has permission ‘Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete Holdings sources'

    • Then user can see the "New" button

    • AND that button is active

  10. New entry:

    • Given user clicks "new"

    • When a new row is added to the list

    • Then the user can input a name

    • AND click save or cancel

    • AND the Select Members button is NOT active

  11. Share toggle:

    • Given user has permission Settings (Consortium manager): Share

    • When a new row is added to the list as described in Scenario 2

    • Then the user can also edit the share toggle

  12. Cancel new:

    • Given a new row is added to the list

    • When a user clicks cancel

    • Then the row disappears

  13. Share not editable once saved

    • Given user clicks the pencil icon on an existing row

    • When the "Name" box becomes editable

    • Then the "share" setting is NOT editable

  14. Display confirmation:

    • Given "share" flag is set to "false"

    • When user clicks save

    • Then the confirmation modal is displayed

  15. Confirmation modal Save:

    • Given confirmation is displayed

    • AND given message is shown: "Are you sure you want to save this setting on behalf of <<Xnumber>> members?

    • When user clicks save

    • Then the confirmation modal is dismissed

    • AND a row is added to the table with an identical "Name" for each member selected

  16. Confirmation modal Cancel:

    • Given confirmation is displayed AND message is shown: "Are you sure you want to save this setting on behalf of <<Xnumber>> members?

    • When user clicks Cancel

    • Then the confirmation modal is dismissed

    • AND user is able to continue editing table row



Potential Workaround








Joseph Reimers February 4, 2025 at 8:19 PM

Works as expected

Daria Reznikova February 3, 2025 at 3:00 PM

Hello Could you please take a look? Thank you!

Daria Reznikova February 3, 2025 at 2:54 PM

Tested on etesting-snapshot ECS

View holdings sources:
1. User with UI-Consortia-Settings Consortium-Manager - view capabilities is able to view the list of holdings sources of affiliated tenants

  1. User with UI-Consortia-Settings Consortium-Manager - edit is able to view the list of holdings sources of affiliated tenants User has been created in Central tenant instead of member tenant-1 due to

  2. User with UI-Consortia-Settings Consortium-Manager Share - execute is able to view the list of holdings sources of affiliated tenants User has been created in Central tenant instead of member tenant-1 due to


  3. User without View holding source capability is NOT able to view the list of holdings sources of affiliated tenants Will be fixed in the scope


Manage shared Holdings sources

  1. User with UI-Consortia-Settings Consortium-Manager Share - execute is able to add/delete holdings source shared to all affiliated tenants

  2. User with UI-Consortia-Settings Consortium-Manager Share - execute is able to add/edit holdings source shared to all affiliated tenants User has been created in Central tenant instead of member tenant-1 due to

  3. Holdings source can be shared to all tenants regardless permission and affiliation Will be fixed in the scope

  1. User with all Consortium manager capabilities (view, edit, execute) is able to create shared holdings source Will be fixed in the scope

Manage local Holdings sources

  1. User with UI-Consortia-Settings Consortium-Manager - view is able to manage local holdings sources of selected affiliated tenants User has been created in Central tenant instead of member tenant-1 due to

  1. User with UI-Consortia-Settings Consortium-Manager - edit is able to manage local holdings sources of selected affiliated tenants

  1. User with UI-Consortia-Settings Consortium-Manager Share - execute is able to manage local holdings sources of selected affiliated tenants

  1. Add local holdings source with permissions and affiliations restrictions Will be fixed in the scope

  1. User with UI-Consortia-Settings Consortium-Manager Share - execute is able to manage local holdings sources Will be fixed in the scope

Yury Saukou February 3, 2025 at 11:29 AM

Tested on







Story Points


Development Team


Fix versions


Sunflower (R1 2025)

TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created December 3, 2024 at 4:06 PM
Updated March 13, 2025 at 1:08 PM
Resolved February 4, 2025 at 8:19 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs