Add "Logs & reports" category to Consortium manager
Consortium manager has three panes with the pane on the left labelled “Settings”. As consortium-specific functionality grows, components that are not settings need to be accommodated as well.
User statement
As an administrator responsible for managing and supporting consortia I want to differentiate between settings and management tools So that I can more easily identify the area I need
Left pane header
Given user has opened the Consortium manager app
When user views the left pane
Then the header for the left pane shows “Management”
AND a “<“ indicator appears on the right edge of the pane
Left pane sections
Given user has opened the Consortium manager app
When user views the left pane
Then there are 2 sections labelled “Settings” and “Logs & reports”
AND “Settings” is at the top
Given scenario 2
When user views the Settings area
Then Circulation, Inventory and Users are present
Logs & Reports
Given scenario 2
When user views the Logs & reports area
Then Data Export and Data Import are present
Collapse left pane
Given scenario 1
When user clicks “<“
Then the left pane disappears
AND a “>” appears in the top left corner of the header line
Consortium manager has three panes with the pane on the left labelled “Settings”. As consortium-specific functionality grows, components that are not settings need to be accommodated as well.
User statement
As an administrator responsible for managing and supporting consortia
I want to differentiate between settings and management tools
So that I can more easily identify the area I need
Left pane header
Given user has opened the Consortium manager app
When user views the left pane
Then the header for the left pane shows “Management”
AND a “<“ indicator appears on the right edge of the pane
Left pane sections
Given user has opened the Consortium manager app
When user views the left pane
Then there are 2 sections labelled “Settings” and “Logs & reports”
AND “Settings” is at the top
Given scenario 2
When user views the Settings area
Then Circulation, Inventory and Users are present
Logs & Reports
Given scenario 2
When user views the Logs & reports area
Then Data Export and Data Import are present
Collapse left pane
Given scenario 1
When user clicks “<“
Then the left pane disappears
AND a “>” appears in the top left corner of the header line
Expand left pane
Given scenario 5
When user clicks “>”
Then the left pane appears