Test - Save, edit Authorization policies for consortium


Purpose: Consortium managers need to manage system policies at a high level, they need the ability to efficiently manage the creating and updating of Authorization policies for and on behalf of members of the system.

User story statement(s):

As an authorized consortium administrator working within the central consortium tenant,
I want to manage authorization policies centrally for the entire system
so that I can more effectively support member tenants in managing the capability of their users and the things they are able to do in the system


  1. Scenarios:

    1. Create and edit authorization:

      • Given a staff user is working in Consortium manager and viewing Authorization policies

      • When user has Capability “X”

      • Then user can see the "New" button in the second pane header

      • AND that button is active

    2. New entry:

      • Given user clicks "new"

      • When full screen form is shown

      • Then the user can complete the form

      • AND click save or cancel

      • AND the Select Members button is NOT active

    3. Cancel new:

      • Given full screen form is displayed

      • When a user clicks cancel

      • Then the form is dismissed

      • AND user is shown previous consortia manager view

    4. Save to member:

      • Given "Share to all" flag is set to "false"

      • When user clicks save

      • Then policy is saved to the currently selected member's tenant

    Acceptance Criteria Note:

    • Given a staff user at a tenant other than the central tenant is working in Settings and viewing the relevant settings area

    • When user has appropriate permissions AND a setting has been saved from Consortium manager as described above

    • Then the user can edit the setting.



Potential Workaround








Dennis Bridges September 18, 2024 at 8:08 PM

This issues was created to complete and test the work done under when Eureka has completed their work on Policy functionality.





Story Points

Development Team



Not Scheduled

TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created September 18, 2024 at 8:06 PM
Updated January 13, 2025 at 6:00 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs