Lists and queries that can be run against multiple tenants concurrently should be restricted to the central tenant and should be restricted to those persons who have authorization to perform consortium-wide management functions. A version of the Lists app capable of executing cross-tenant searches should be added to the Consortium manager app.
User statement:
As an administrator of a consortium I want to be able to run queries against many or all member tenants So that I can provide accurate reports impacting the entire consortium
Add Lists (consortium) to Consortium manager
Given staff user is in the central tenant
AND user has permissions to access Consortium manager AND the Lists app in the central tenant
Then Lists (consortium) appears under “Settings” in alphabetical order
The Consortium manager app should already handle relevant permissions, as long as Lists and Lists (consortium) share the same authorization. A user authorized to perform an action at the consortium level must have that same authorization at the local level on the central tenant. The combination of Lists permissions and access to Consortium manager defines Lists (consortium) permissions.
Lists and queries that can be run against multiple tenants concurrently should be restricted to the central tenant and should be restricted to those persons who have authorization to perform consortium-wide management functions. A version of the Lists app capable of executing cross-tenant searches should be added to the Consortium manager app.
User statement:
As an administrator of a consortium
I want to be able to run queries against many or all member tenants
So that I can provide accurate reports impacting the entire consortium
Add Lists (consortium) to Consortium manager
Given staff user is in the central tenant
AND user has permissions to access Consortium manager AND the Lists app in the central tenant
AND has been completed
When user accesses Consortium manager
Then Lists (consortium) appears under the “Logs & reports” heading in alphabetical order
Add Lists (consortium) to Consortium manager (dependencies incomplete)
Given authorized staff user is in the central tenant as described in Scenario 1
AND has NOT been completed
When user access Consortium manager
Then Lists (consortium) appears under “Settings” in alphabetical order
The Consortium manager app should already handle relevant permissions, as long as Lists and Lists (consortium) share the same authorization. A user authorized to perform an action at the consortium level must have that same authorization at the local level on the central tenant. The combination of Lists permissions and access to Consortium manager defines Lists (consortium) permissions.