- Refactor to not use mod-configuration client for retrieving accessTypesLimitMODKBEKBJ-790
- (Q Bugfest) Cannot export eHoldings packagesMODKBEKBJ-789
- Refactor usage of deprecated Vert.x APIMODKBEKBJ-787
- Release mod-kb-ebsco-java v6.0.0 Sunflower Release (R1 2025)MODKBEKBJ-786Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-786Pavlo Smahin
- Update to mod-kb-ebsco-java Java 21MODKBEKBJ-778Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-778Pavlo Smahin
- mod-kb-ebsco-java can not work with the Eureka Keycloak clients due to the absence of the user_id field in x-okapi-tokenMODKBEKBJ-777Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-777Pavlo Smahin
- Sensitive data in logs cleanupMODKBEKBJ-776
- Release mod-kb-ebsco-java v4.1.1 Quesnelia R1 2023 SP #10 ReleaseMODKBEKBJ-775Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-775Mukhiddin Yusupov
- Backport the fix of DB query for loading the tags of the provider's packages which is breaking eholdings app in Q releaseMODKBEKBJ-774Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-774Mukhiddin Yusupov
- Ramsons (OKAPI non-ECS) Bugfest > Package > Usage & Analysis Accordion does not show titlesMODKBEKBJ-773Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-773
- (Eureka BF) Cannot export eHoldings packageMODKBEKBJ-772Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-772Mukhiddin Yusupov
- Release mod-kb-ebsco-java v5.0.0 Ramsons Release (R2 2024)MODKBEKBJ-771Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-771Pavlo Smahin
- User with assigned permission cannot see "Access status types" pane in "Settings" >> "eHoldings"MODKBEKBJ-770Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-770Pavlo Smahin
- Review and cleanup Module Descriptors for mod-kb-ebsco-javaMODKBEKBJ-769Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-769Pavlo Smahin
- Usage Analysis data on eHolding App not showing accurate dataMODKBEKBJ-768Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-768
- Fix dependencies update issueMODKBEKBJ-767Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-767Viacheslav Kolesnyk
- Onboarding Svitlana KovalovaMODKBEKBJ-766Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-766Svitlana Kovalova
- Remove unused commons-configuration2 dependencyMODKBEKBJ-765Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-765Julian Ladisch
- Missing Titles in "Usage & analysis" accordion of "Package" recordMODKBEKBJ-764Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-764Khalilah Gambrell
- Release mod-kb-ebsco-java v4.1.0 Quesnelia (R1 2024)MODKBEKBJ-763Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-763Pavlo Smahin
- Created custom package cannot be foundMODKBEKBJ-762Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-762
- Steps 8, 9 Get familiar with the raml-module-builder, Spitfire modulesMODKBEKBJ-761Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-761Viacheslav Poliakov
- Step 7 VertxMODKBEKBJ-760Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-760Viacheslav Poliakov
- Steps 3, 4, 5, 6 Review DoD, CI/CD, Scrum Board, Dev tipsMODKBEKBJ-759Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-759Viacheslav Poliakov
- Step 2 Get familiar with FOLIO reference environmentsMODKBEKBJ-758Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-758Viacheslav Poliakov
- Step 1 Pass through newcomer's first stepsMODKBEKBJ-757Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-757Viacheslav Poliakov
- Onboarding Viacheslav PoliakovMODKBEKBJ-756Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-756Viacheslav Poliakov
- "9900 records found" is displayed under "Titles" accordion of created "Custom Package"MODKBEKBJ-755Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-755Pavlo Smahin
- Only one title is shown in "Usage & analysis" accordion of package recordMODKBEKBJ-754Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-754Viacheslav Kolesnyk
- Onboarding Oleg PakMODKBEKBJ-753Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-753Oleg Pak
- Onboarding Tsaghik KhachatryanMODKBEKBJ-752Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-752Tsaghik Khachatryan
- Errors during module enablement.MODKBEKBJ-751Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-751Pavlo Smahin
- Onboarding Andrei RazumnovMODKBEKBJ-750Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-750Andrei Razumnov
- Investigate: loadholdings process is failing for Five Collages, Bank of Finland ,UL Research Institutes,Umsystems and sygnitysbs-demo | Nolana and Orchid ReleaseMODKBEKBJ-747Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-747Pavlo Smahin
- Onboarding Mukhiddin YusupovMODKBEKBJ-745Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-745Mukhiddin Yusupov
- Release mod-kb-ebsco-java v4.0.0 Poppy (R2 2023)MODKBEKBJ-743Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-743Pavlo Smahin
- An error message appears when trying to add a title in a package to holdingsMODKBEKBJ-744Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-744Khasan Sidikov
- Enable API-related GitHub Workflows, replace those Jenkins stagesMODKBEKBJ-742Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-742David Crossley
- Update GET /eholdings/resources/ {resourceId} to include proxiedUrlMODKBEKBJ-740Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-740Shorasul Shoazimov
- Schema differences between Orchid Bugfest and clean Orchid deployment: mod-kb-ebsco-javaMODKBEKBJ-739Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-739
- Onboarding WioletaMODKBEKBJ-738Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-738
- Onboarding PawełMODKBEKBJ-737Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-737
- Onboarding PrzemysławMODKBEKBJ-736Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-736
- Onboarding JacekMODKBEKBJ-735Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-735
- Onboarding MarcinMODKBEKBJ-734Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-734
- Update the module for Java 17 & the latest dependenciesMODKBEKBJ-732Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-732Shorasul Shoazimov
- Release mod-kb-ebsco-java v Orchid BugFix (R1 2023)MODKBEKBJ-731Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-731
- Update mod-kb-ebsco-java to folio-spring-base v6.1.0MODKBEKBJ-730Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-730
- No "Titles" is shown in "Usage & analysis" accordion of package recordMODKBEKBJ-729Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-729Artur Hovhannisyan1
- Not assigned to KB user doesn't have access to "eHoldings" app when this KB has at least one assigned user (only one KB has been setup)MODKBEKBJ-728Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-728Artur Hovhannisyan1
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