short term meeting- through end of the year? and then check ins
does focus extend beyond SRS? Knowledge base? Networks? Source data outside folio? Yes, and there are some specific use cases to look at
what time frame is "future"
make sure short-term solutions don't cut off goals
Future-proofing entity management, not getting locked into MARC authorities
Entity management as adjacent issue. Expect to be able to manage some of the info in a bibliographic record based on entities. For both implication of where data is stored/managed and how it is transmitted.
monitoring and reporting back to product council gaps between development and articulated goals
flexibility for ongoing management of legacy MARC as well as new practices related to cataloging in external environments
an instance for everything and management of diverse source data
outline of where things live, for instance is elastic search a third storage? a drawing of where all these things are living and what they are inviting
how will indexing for ES need to evolve for other types of source data? need to be able to search data that exists in different places, data that is not stored, etc. different triggers
acknowledge bibliographic data in places not directly in our scope, ie orders
raised needs between agreements and inventory so there might be bibliographic data in both that needs to be addressed. How do they fit together? Refer back to entity management (as a use case?)
"The Container"
being able to track back to a package
development around container status? package as a type of container