2022-05-06 - Sys Ops & Management Agenda and Meeting notes

2022-05-06 - Sys Ops & Management Agenda and Meeting notes



  • Help TC to define / review Technical Pain Points 

Discussion items

55FOLIO Technical Pain Points

FOLIO Technical Pain Points - DRAFT - Google Docs


SysOps SIG to answer these questions:

  • Is this the right set of pain points ?
  • Why and how is something painful ?
  • What negative impact does it have  ?
  • How do we prioritize it ? 

Note: Detailed notes are linked in the Draft FOLIO Technical Pain Points document.

German group made some changes and created captions to the DRAFT.

  • Conflation of gateway and discovery of modules
  • Reliance on HTTP as primary communication
  • Microservice complexity, message queueing, dependency among modules

  • Performance Issues
    • JSONB storage
    • Over-reliance on synchronous updates
    • Version upgrades and required downtime
    • Observability: need appropriate visibility into the code/operation
    • OKAPI inconsistencies and opaqueness

Tod : Pain Points

Technical needs met when standing up FOLIO installs

  • is this still current ?
  • it could go beyond standing up an installation => upgrades
  • tease out the concerns
  • prioritize it
  • This has been taken up by the Tech Council => TC goals & objectives

Action items

  • Ingolf Kuss Plan Operational Needs session for WOLFCon 2022