2022-12-02 - Sys Ops & Management SIG Agenda and Meeting notes

2022-12-02 - Sys Ops & Management SIG Agenda and Meeting notes



  • Integration matrix



Status of integration needsIngolf
  • Recapitulate the work of the ARLEF group

See List of Integrations.

Some things need to be done quickly. 

We want to review what the ARLEF group has collected in the Wiki.

SysOps spreadsheet on Integrations: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1O8orRx2dBedaeWIkbN30v2ZHyRG6BgecLXgy5xL35bQ/edit?usp=sharing


Meeting Notes

Looking at List of Integrations. EDS. VuFind.

  • you might integrate EDS into VuFind. EDS might be included as an alternative search system.
  • I might also be a good idea to export your data into an EDS database

    Uwe Reg: Folio doesn’t have a good way for discovery systems to use APIs directly (through edge APIs perhaps?), access seems inefficient.

    Known gaps and open features: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/SYSOPS/Integrations+-+Open+features+and+known+gaps

    SIP2 integration tests on-going at Tamu with Meescan. Some issues still with items and patron blocking. Some code Chicago is running has not been released to main Folio org repo yet.

    EDS and Vufind can be integrated many different ways at libraries.
    Tamu: EDS is full search for everything with the Library. Vufind search is just what's local at the library.

System upgrade considerationsIngolf
  • Kiwi -> Morning Glory upgrade worked for Ingolf. Needed to enable searching other fields, and reindex Elasticsearch.
  • Need to be weary of local disk usage by containers that use Overlay storage driver. Your disk can become full.

Action items

  • Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date