2022-01-28 - Sys Ops & Management SIG Agenda and Notes



Ingolf Kuss  Philip Robinsonjroot  Chris Rutledge  Brandon Tharp Dale Arntson jpnelson Hkaplanian 


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Minimal PlatformHarry, othersLets' push the idea of a minimal platform.

We shouldn't make suggestive judgement calls, what should be in and what should not be in.
The code is not supposed to become unsupported.
What guarantees can we install that a library chooses a particular app ?
Let's have a minimal core solution. Who are we to dictate what the libraries should get. We shouldn't.
Dale: Make module inclusion totally optional ?
Harry: It's not working today. We need more time to build the features than we need to release.
Re-Share apps are actually FOLIO apps. But they are not included in the FOLIO apps. What's wrong with that ?
Some libraries are running Re-Share but not an ILS based on FOLIO.

Jason: UI module disentangling is being done at TAMU. Won't need to build all Frontend modules at a time. Untwining the UI pieces. 
Need NPM node package manager to build a UI module.
Ingolf: To maintain your own backend modules, you need to maintain your own institutional Docker Repo.

Jason: Another way to build your own backend modules: Amazon RDS mount , Amazon S3.
Jason: For frontend modules, you need your own NPM repo. E.g. SonaType Nexus.
Jason: We built in-app workflows at TAMU. mod-oai-pmh is home brewed.
There is still no documentation for the Okapi container!

"Grooming" of Technical needs met when standing up FOLIO installsIngolf, Jason, others

Ingolf: Let's look at our Epic [ROAD-80] Deployment and Operational needs - FOLIO Issue Tracker . We should continue to work on this in order to get things in the development pipeline.

Jason: There are Security issues in Edge modules. Authorization is being handled by API keys. Anyone could probably guess these keys. I could probably check out books from UChicago. It is not really secure.
Dale: Mightn't is be easier to change user and password ? Jason: You don't need to know the password. It does not incorporate the password. It just adds a little SALT. 
Dale: It sounds like an easy fix. Generate API key by a combination of tenant id, user , other.
It is even in the edge common documentation.
Jason: Here’s what the edge module says: Security:
"For now, some level of security is achieved via API Keys. Eventually we may want to implement a more sophisticated security model, e.g. based off of OAuth2, etc."


Brandon: https://dev.folio.org/faqs/how-to-get-started-with-rancher/ 

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