2022-07-01 - Sys Ops & Management SIG Agenda and Meeting notes

2022-07-01 - Sys Ops & Management SIG Agenda and Meeting notes



Discussion items


WolfCon Session PlanningIngolf
  • Who will attend in person ?
  • We have one hour, Thursday, Sept 1st, 10:15 - 11:15 AM (4:15 - 5:15 AM EST) WOLFcon 2022: Operational Needs (sched.com)
  • The Conference Schedule is still subject to change, also from next week on (Harry)
  • Who is willing to do a 10-15 min. presentation ?
    • Jeremy: what we are doing at Stanford
    • we could introduce our deployment environment
  • We could have 3-4 short talks + a discussion of 15-20 mins.
  • What is the expected outcome of the meeting ?
  • Who is the primary audience ?
    • a working meeting / discussion for the sys ops sig ? (tick)
    • presentation to external people ? Other sys admin, who are not in sys ops sig (error)
  • Or one person could hold a longer talk, leaving time for a discussion + one shorter talk
  • What was the original proposal for the session ?
  • Let's focus on the pain points; how we overcame them or how we have not overcome them.
  • Jason & Jeremy talk; Ingolf thinks (about a presentation)

Lotus Installation and Testing ExperiencesThose who have implemented it, already
  • Ingolf has problems with upgrading from Kiwi to Lotus with Okapi deployment on a single server
    • Ingolf: install endpoint of Okapi fails several times, also failed in previous flower release upgrades
    • (Jason) Don't upgrade with loadReference=true, always use loadReference=false there
    • update on a test server first, not with real data
    • Jason: I create a new tenant (on an existing cluster) to test the deployment of a new flower release
    • reference data needed in addition by the new (or modified) modules should be loaded after the fact
  • Florian G.: Might need to change timeouts of nginx
  • Nils: 40 GB RAM could be a problem
  • ---------------------------------------------------------
  • Florian Kreft has given a presentation of the deployment methods, Florian K. and Florian G. developed at LRZ Munich, in the German group and would like to present this to the international group. 
    • Based largely on the work of Jason Root at TAMU
  • Florian 25th July
  • Ingolf on holiday: 29th July - 8. August
  • August 12th : Florian Kreft will give a presentation in Sys Ops SIG .

Action items

  • Ingolf Kuss Plan Operational Needs session for WOLFCon 2022
  • RDA for Morning Glory support Release: Hkaplanian will ask Mark Veksler about the point of view at EBSCO.
  • Hkaplanian will ask Mark Veksler about the situation and point of view at EBSO.
  • Hkaplanian will ask Mark Veksler about the situation and point of view at EBSO.
  • Hkaplanian will ask Mark Veksler about the situation and point of view at EBSO.
  • Hkaplanian will ask Mark Veksler about the situation and point of view at EBSO.