2018-06-06 System Operations and Management SIG Meeting Notes

Siska Humlesjö from Chalmers reintroduced herself.

Today's meeting was slightly abbreviated. Tod and Ingolf needed to drop at the top of the hour to attend the Product Council.

Harry was planning to attend today to discuss the list of action items for development, but was unable to join. Harry is defect our product owner until someone else is designated. The group had asked for a Product Owner but there isn’t one available…

Yesterday Tod went through the backlog and looked for SysOps dependencies. Tod annotated items in the spreadsheet and Harry will transfer to the Jira tickets. It would be Harry's role to lobby to get the Jira issues in front of developers for evaluation and action. Ingolf is on the agenda to present at today’s Product Council meeting, but may not have a lot of time. We discussed how to present the list to the PC. Suggested to go in order of priority. List is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Y52ltM_nVZsMM9dEVCkHAWuRZXjOykZfvoF-zLQ-YBg/edit#gid=0

Should we split the issues between SysOps and Data Migration or treat them as one? Consensus that we treat them as separate groups - there is too much for a single group.

Brief review of action items. Confluence was updated.

Reviewed LauraW’s FOLIO Inventory: a working definition blog post (https://discuss.folio.org/t/folio-inventory-a-working-definition/1861 ). Please review and provide feedback.