2021-03-31 Product Owner Meeting

2021-03-31 Product Owner Meeting

PO Quote of the month: "There's a meeting..." - Khalilah

Reminders and introductions15AllNew PO Julie Bickle.  Comes to the project from LMU, Munich. Lots of SAS experience.
PO Workshops15Discussion

PO Meeting Agendas are very full, at the same time there are repeatedly requested agenda items that fall into the very important professional development/workflow refinement category. Proposal: 

  • Product Owner Workshops:
    • Help new or inexperienced POs gain new skills
    • Provide opportunities for POs to refine skills
    • Co-ordinate/sync/understand various workflows
    • Free up working PO meeting to focus on timely tasks
    • Library Carpentry content
    • Sharing techniques and problem solving approaches

Agreed - next steps:
Gather topics, working with teams, working with SIGs, Creating JIRAs, Managing Dashboards, Developer
Use these for documentation

Code Deadlines30Kelly

Missed deadlines are delaying releases, increase opportunity to introduce bugs
Difficulties in meeting deadlines - how do we address/resolve?

  • Confusion about deadlines? - too many deadlines - hard to keep track of?
  • Improve estimates?
  • Reduce pressure?
  • Cost benefit analysis for exceptions? ie library pain vs dev time taken from other duties vs time between releases
  • Stop development of new features sooner
  • Release deadlines sooner
  • PO Meeting should include review of timeline and where we are

How does everyone feel about the Juniper dates?

  • April 23 - Requests to add new modules
  • May 21 - Okapis/Stripes/RMB/Springway
  • May 28 - Core Platform
  • June 4 - Everything else
API Tests

  • Review Failed tests
  • Identify top 3 API workflows
  • Think about creating tests
Thin Thread Development vs Mature Product Development

Is it time to reconsider the this thread? 

  • For some apps
  • Guidelines for adding new apps (planned to be fully featured within 1 or 2 releases?)
  • Thin thread review