2021-08-04 Product Owner Meetings

2021-08-04 Product Owner Meetings


Attendees: Khalilah Gambrell  

Juniper release - How are things going? 20

Juniper Dashboard

Many issues not done and assigned to Release: R2 2021 Bugfix. Will issues be complete by Friday (August 6) due date?


  • Change of bugfest start time collided with vacations 
  • Juggling Iris Hotfixes, Juniper bugfixes, and Kiwi development 
  • Good for Owen/Holly

Kiwi release progress - Have you completed planning? What are your challenges?20

Kiwi Dashboard

NOTE - we will timebox this discussion. I ask that folks post here any thoughts to help focus the discussion. 

Khalilah: Near complete in finalizing MARC holdings requirements and have begun development. Will return to MARC authorities requirements in the next 4 weeks. Stripes-force focus is React 17 update and BigTests support. Challenges new mod-rtac/patron requirements and issues. 

Peter: A new external development team wants to get the Translations app into FOLIO will corresponding changes to Stripes core: UXPROD-3148.  This will allow for translation of dynamic strings in apps (location names, controlled vocabulary values, etc).  Apps do not need to make changes to accommodate this to work...the changes are done in the underlying Stripes code and tenant users use the new app to store the translation values.  Along with this they would like to contribute a language switcher to the top bar of the UI (an icon next to the new help icon): UXPROD-3149.

Frontend development - need work? 10