2021-05-12 Product Owner Meeting

2021-05-12 Product Owner Meeting

PO Quote of the month:  "FOLIO has erased our memory" - Jenn

Debrief - Lead Product Owner Change 10 Khalilah

  • Resources allocations concerns 
  • Erin/Circs POs will provide more details a Thank you card 
Iris Features - Not closed features 10 KhalilahDiscuss the Iris features that are not closed. Dashboard: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=11430
Schedule Product Owners Workshop meetings5All 
Next Product Owners Workshop topic is  ...10AllGroup will decide on next product owners workshop topic
Juniper - At risk items 20Khalilah

Sprint 114, Sprint 115, Sprint 116 - Juniper (R2 2021)