2021-08-18 Product Owner Meetings

2021-08-18 Product Owner Meetings


Attendees: Khalilah Gambrell , julie.bicklePeter MurrayBrooks TravisAnn-Marie Breaux (Deactivated)Stephanie BuckHolly MistlebauerCheryl Malmborg  twliu, Dennis BridgesAnya Magda Zacharskapatty.wanningerOleksii Petrenko Jenn Colt


Release timeline - Review key dates 

  • Hotfixes (Iris) 
  • Juniper release
  • Kiwi release
15Oleksii Petrenko
  • Iris HF#4
    • Released and included in Juniper release
  • UICIRC-679 - Getting issue details... STATUS (need Iris HF#5?)
  • Juniper release timeline  
    • Will release UICIRC-679 to bugfest for smoke testing
    • Acqs smoke testing in bugfest 
    • Public release: Friday, August 20th
    • Hotfixes only request if it blocks a library that has upgraded to the release
    • Spread out hotfixes to help hosting teams manage upgrades 
  • Kiwi release timeline 
    • No RMB upgrade ; only new version of stripes 7.0
    • Platform Core- Feature Freeze date: Sep 17 
    • Platform Complete - Freeze date: Sep 24

Feature freeze - all features are done and before schema testing begins 

PO takeaways

  1. Kiwi feature freeze is in less than a month! 
  2. Review/Groom Kiwi Features list
    1. Update Features status 
    2. Revise scope for what can be done in Kiwi
      1. If the feature has not started then consider moving the feature to another release if the work cannot be completed in a sprint. 
      2. Start splitting features 
      3. Identify features that are critical to libraries and will not be complete by Kiwi feature freeze date with the label kiwi-at-risk-feature 
Support SIG update10 Anya

Anya will provide an update and POs will have a change to ask questions. 

Support SIG meets Every Monday @ 7am PT

  • Consists of live customers 

P1 - Hotfix candidates (multiple live libraries have reported (or first library upgraded and an issue/no work arounds) - immediate fix is required; production show stopper

P2 - Need to be fixed by next release (

P3 - Team will get to it

  • Reporter: Log with hosting provider first before creating support ticket 
  • Reporter: Must Validate 
  • POs are encouraged to discuss with reports via JIRA comments or slack or etc
  • POs please give P1/P2 frequent updates to the SIG/reporter 
  •  POs appreciate the JIRA pings/follow-ups. 

Support SIG: Use the Release field (on an issue) to track when an issue will be done for a release

How are POs using the Release field?  a.) Use for managing backlog b.) use for managing support sig requests and defects 

PO takeaways

  1. Triage any issue reported by Support SIG 
  2. Be proactive in reaching out to the SIG and customers regarding reported issue 
  3. Keep Support SIG in the loop on reported issue's status. Give the SIG a sense of the complexity of the issue and when the issue can be/will be fixed. Communicate workarounds. 
UXPROD - Proposed Feature Status Workflow Updates20 

See slack thread - https://folio-project.slack.com/archives/G9FUXCJDD/p1628793753076700

Dennis' presentation

Action items for POs

  1. Review Dennis' slide deck 
  2. Post responses to PO slack channel to help with decision