2021-09-01 Product Owner Meetings

2021-09-01 Product Owner Meetings



Announcements 10 minutes

Hanna Hulevich, anyone else?

  • Lucy call for papers
  • Hanna - POs to test that OL did not impact apps/modules
    • Environment to test our modules/apps (smoke test)  [Timing - week]
    • Hanna will send environment details 
    • Will also run all available Karate tests on the environment 
  • OL UAT testing
    • Environment 
    • Timing 
    • How to test scenarios
    • Need a meeting to discuss testing. 
OL - UX approach (Phase 1) 30 minutes

Discuss UX mockup options posted to Optimistic Locking - Detecting and Resolving Conflicts Requirement

 Kiwi - User Acceptance Testing - Discussion 15 minutesKhalilah Gambrell

Due to the time limit, I encourage folks to add thoughts prior to meeting to focus discussion. 

  1. Have any plans to conduct a UAT? If so, how/when? 
  2. Do you want to conduct a UAT? 
  3. What are the challenges to conducting a UAT?
  4. Lotus' goal - 5 UATs at various points of the release ? 

User Acceptance Testing wiki page and Dennis Bridges-6 Steps for Successful UA Testing