Roadmap maintenance

Roadmap maintenance

Tasks per release:

  • Remind POs to label their UXPROD issues so they appear in dashboards
  • Solicit roadmap updates from development organizations

Updating the Jira roadmap dashboards:

  • Four filters are created for each PO area label (PO Label list: Getting Started for Product Owners#3.2.2):
    1. UXProds that have that area label and their release field set to the next release
    2. UXProds that have that area label and their release field set to the release following the next release
    3. Issues from projects other than UXProd that are related to the given functional area and have their release set to the next release. The list of projects needs to be maintained in collaboration with the SIG
    4. Issues from projects other than UXProd that are related to the given functional area and have their release set to the release following next release. The list of projects needs to be maintained in collaboration with the SIG
  • When a FOLIO release is made, the release paramater for each of the four filters should be advanced by one release and then saved. This will make the dashboards maintain the correct layout.
  • The filters used for the roadmap dashboards should share a naming convention of PCR: Release | Area | Type as in these examples. Replace the release names as time progresses so as to avoid having to keep creating new filters.
    • PCR: Quesnelia Resource Access Features

    • PCR: Ramsons Resource Access Features

    • PCR: Quesnelia Resource Access Module Issues

    • PCR: Ramsons Resource Access Module Issues

  • Edit capabilities should be set to members of product council/the road map team, or to SIG representatives who agree to help with maintenance.

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