2021-06-10 - OA Group meeting

Meeting time: 9 AM (EST) / 2 PM (BST) / 3 PM (CEST)

Meeting URL: https://openlibraryfoundation.zoom.us/j/82643780981?pwd=aUx4YkprcTJNZW5oSHBtcHplS0djdz09

OA Working Group Wiki: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RM/Open+Access+Group

Google Drive Folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HR1JyDkUeRE0kL1eBKcu6uIvcNcnn352?usp=sharing

Slack channel: #open-access-management

Mailing list: folio-rm-oa@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org (Subscribe here selecting 'folio-rm-oa' list)

Agenda Items

  1. Welcome, project background, communication channels
    Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1tynkLFXj_N42OYs9f2G_9aGKiiUP5A82DBHEPV6QCTo/edit?usp=sharing
  2. Round of introductions
  3. Individual expectations, see homework from our product owner Owen: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1a3yWoDcG27_4Ejd9LrYB_3PqqcuUufnBh0BwkAHWqtE/edit?usp=sharing)
    Please fill out this document in advance of the meeting and state your name and institution.


- Please add everything I've missed or misunderstood, thanks! -


Owen Stephens - Product Owner, also PO for ERM, some experience with OA, repositories, OA payment management in previous projects (UK Local Monitor, JISC)

Ian Ibbotson - K-Int, dev lead; PO what to do, dev lead how to do it; working with Owen a long time; regarding lazy concensus: please talk to us!; build some OA systems but outside the library environment; now bring it in library context; product should be usable as stand alone

Gill Osguthorpe - K-Int, UX lead, working on FOLIO ERM since 2017, main role is UX lead; e.g. creates mockups for functions identified; also worked on UK OA monitor (JISC)

Christina Prell - UL Regensburg, Germany, part of OA team; library interested in FOLIO and like to see OA management there

Carolone Ziegler - UL LMU Munich, deputy head e-Publishing dept.

Volker Schallehn - UL LMU Munich, largest university in Germany; responsible for OA and repositories; APC management; interested in influence the outcome

Eloisa Deola Schennerlein - Saxon State and University Library (SLUB) Dresden; subject specialist librarian for law, economics, business; manages transformative agreements and OA publication funds

Lisa Schäfer - ZBW (German National Library of Economics); librarian; dept. for licensing and publication at ZBW; OA support, repository support, license management; few publication itself at ZBW; working for consortia members

Martin Bauschmann - Leipzig University Library - eManagement; LUL spends a lot of APCs; Gold OA 300 articles/year; transformative agreements; monitoring and reporting tasks; using Excel files, third party systems; want more consolidated solution

Peter Sbrzesny- SUB Göttingen (State and University Library); acq and sys librarian; also member of GBV/VZG team; experience in APC management with current system (LBS); hope to contribute and learn

Mona Orloff - ZBW Hamburg; librarian; support repository 

Astrid Orth - SUB Göttingen; support acq; involved in OA projects; background in business and comp science; fund management and metrics; management of transformative agreements; hope to overcome difficulties using FOLIO

Vanessa Gabriel - LMU Munich; invoicing; member DEAL consortia; invoice to LMU partners; lot of work (with excel)

Owen: Short demo of FOLIO, using https://folio-snapshot.dev.folio.org/, explaining App concept and general layout (panes)

All demo sites and standard login credentials can be found at https://folio-org.atlassian.net

Owen/all: Homework/Expectations:

  • Document still open, please contribute any aspects
  • You can also pass on this homeworks to your colleagues who are not able to attend!

Q to Lisa: what kind of process? A: not managing that much own publications (ZBW); more imaging consortia support

Q to Eloisa: A: various agreements with publishers; do not know if submission will be OA published; author with request in excel spreadsheet, compare/match with invoices and exports from dashboards

Q to Christina: Excel the single place or more? A: Yes, actually single tool, requests from author hwo wants to be funded; first record (metadata) in repository; with invoicing adding info to the Excel sheet

Owen: next step try to understand what data do people have, what needs to be recorded; how that fits in the workflow; important: how the request is announced; recording the first time (e.g. report, invoice, submission...), how best to record; how much this might be automated

Thanks all for attending!!! Next meeting is June 17, 2021