Retrospective - Bug Fest Q3.2 2019


  • Retrospective board is located here
  • Please add your comments, thoughts, ideas to "Went well" and "To improve" columns.
  • If you like or agree with comments of the other contributors please don't hesitate to give them your vote of approval by clicking on the "thumbs up" button.
  • If you have any questions, please post them into Questions column. The answers will be provided during Retrospective meeting and subsequently on this page.  


Wednesday October 2nd at 9 AM EDT 

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Action items were aggregated from the retrospective board.

Action ItemStatus

Add thorough descriptions to test cases that indicate the full range what needs to be tested.

Create new TestRail test run to track creation of steps, descriptions, preconditions for test cases.

Attempt to create descriptions for all test cases before Q4 Bug Fest

We are making a good progress. However achieving 100% would be not realistic.
Create Glossary wiki page within Testing Community space. The objective is to have common understanding of the terms between PO and testers.It will be a carry over to Q1 2020
Claim test cases by sections. Create more detailed sections. Testers coordinate with section owner to claim individual tests.It will be a carry over to Q1 2020

Improvements to the Instructions page:

1) Add detailed timeline
2) Add Bug Fest goals
3) Add links instructional videos

These requirements will be incorporated into Q4 2019 instruction page
Post "house rules" for claiming test cases"Added section to the Helpful Resources page
Add more content to Helpful Resources page - for example Demos for UAAdded Demo FOLIO - Orders to Inventory, but need more suggestions.
Create wiki page for test plan section owners.It will be a carry over to Q1 2020
Document interaction processes between PO and testersIt will be a carry over to Q1 2020
Create Q&A wiki page

It will be a carry over to Q1 2020

Link requirements user stories to test cases.Requested PO to include links to user stories to test case descriptions.


Can we have a clearer timeline for BugFest laid out before testing starts that is more than just "this is the week" (ie. claim tests by this date, review, ask POs for context, begin testing, etc.)

Is there information/documentation on how modules are intended to act? >>Could help in knowing fault vs. human error.

The report lists individuals and how many tests they did. It is useful information and information that could lead to misinterpretations. This is something that perhaps shouldn't be shared on the wiki. Could the numbers be shared only be institution?