Retrospective - Bug Fest Q1 2019

Retrospective - Bug Fest Q1 2019


  • Meeting will be scheduled between Thursday 3/14 and Friday 3/22. 
  • Follow this link to the Bug Fest Retrospective board  and post your Feedback. 
  • Please add your comments, thoughts, ideas to "Went well" and "To improve" columns.
  • If you like or agree with comments of the other contributors please don't hesitate to give them your vote of approval by clicking on the "thumbs up" button.
  • If you have any questions, please post them into Questions column. The answers will be provided during Retrospective meeting and subsequently on this page.  


SLACK CALL on bug-fest channel 9 to 10 AM, Wednesday 3/20; New York Time. (check your local time)


Action ItemStatusAdd to Playbook

Consider to use TestRail for subsequent Bug Fest runs

Will be used in BF Q2 2019

Not all the areas of FOLIO were covered. Do next BF soon to cover them.

DONE Coverage over 99% in BF Q1 2019
Better scope definition is needed to avoid testing incomplete features.DONE


Always use real customer data. DONE


Original reference data must be migrated to the BF environment.DONE


Must have a planning meeting for every BF run: Define scope; Assign tasks to make sure that participants have time to complete them.DONE


Test cases for each module need to be reviewed with respective POs



Discussion is needed about how long BF environment is staying up after test run is over.TBD
Discuss what should be bug workflow for the future BF runs. TBD


Action items were aggregated from the retrospective board

  • Make sure that performance issues are reported separately

  • Use TestRail instead of the Google Spreadsheet

    • Transfer test cases into TestRail

    • Provide TestRail training

    • PO to improve test case descriptions 

  • Post module/PO mapping before BF start for testers to post direct questions to the right person.

  • Call separate meeting on the bug triage and handling workflow.

  • PO should NOT test a module that they are working on

  • Start BF on Tuesday


Q: When planning future areas/features to test, are we planning to continue to test old features or to shift focus?

A: Yes, all existing features need to be retested (both old and new). Bug Fest is a regression test by its nature.

Q: When a feature has unresolved bugs from last BugFest, do we test it anyway (to see if there are new bugs) or leave it untested (because we know it will fail)?

A: PO should list known unresolved bugs prior to BF. A feature should be retested anyway. If bug is still there tester should add current bug fest label. If new bug has been found they should be logged as well.