Core: Platform Sync Up

Core: Platform Sync Up

Action Items

Action Item JIRAAssignee Status
Add tickets for the performance testing and probably some integration tasting and speak to guys to organize it after the  code frieze 
Create tickets for RMB-777

We have decided not to address RMB-777 but instead address MODINVSTOR-656 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Create confl page and document approach for breaking up large tickets and helping avoid (or at least reduce)  spillovers. 

Creating preparation (Clean up tasks) for feature. As this work is not related with a story itself but  need to be done to implement feature. 

JakubInitial guidance published
Create ticket for updating schemas (RMB-777)
Investigate if there is something really critical in  pac4j-4.4.0. Create ticket to Julian to bring to security team
Have karate tests demo (Steve to demo)

Jira tickets to highlight 

Jira TicketQuestion/HighlightPO decision/response 

RMB-601 - Getting issue details... STATUS  

RMB-602 - Getting issue details... STATUS

RMB-783 - Getting issue details... STATUS

From Julian Ladisch

We should not migrate more modules to Vert.x 4 before we have futurized RMB. Please create a futurisation Jira for each module that we already have migrated to Vert.x 4 so that we can migrate them to the RMB futurisation after RMB-601, RMB-602 and RMB-783 have released.

Core: Platform Agile Board:

Scrum: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=80
Kanban: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=183

R1/R2 planning:

R1/R2 planning google doc

Next Grooming

Jira TicketPresenterNote

MODPERMS-129 - Getting issue details... STATUS


FOLIO-2998 - Getting issue details... STATUS

AdamTo discuss
https://folio-org.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=80&view=planning.nodetailJakubDiscuss top tickets

MODPERMS-126 - Getting issue details... STATUS


RMB-777 - Getting issue details... STATUS


MODLOGSAML-71 - Getting issue details... STATUS


MODAT-64 - Getting issue details... STATUS


EDGCOMMON-22 - Getting issue details... STATUS


MODAT-67 - Getting issue details... STATUS


MODAT-66 - Getting issue details... STATUS


OKAPI-977 - Getting issue details... STATUS

PlanITpoker room: https://www.planitpoker.com/board/#/room/2ba248faecdf46f399bf2a248c5c750f