2024-09-11 Agenda and Meeting notes

2024-09-11 Agenda and Meeting notes

Zoom link: eHoldings subgroup | Zoom


Sep 11, 2024




  1. Housekeeping

    1. Updates on previous topics:

      1. eHoldings search

  2. Implementers topic #6 revisit: Additional metadata to display on Agreement accordion in eHoldings record view

  3. Implementers topic #8: Multiple AGLs to one eHoldings title/package record

  4. Misc (if time)

  5. Actions

 Discussion topics









10 mins




40 mins

topic #2



20 mins

topic #3




  1. Housekeeping

    1. Updates on previous topics:

      1. eHoldings search - EBSCO HLM product team is investigating the stemming issues we discussed in terms of the Elastic Search behind the search. Zorian will keep the group posted on further developments

  2. Implementers topic #6 revisit: Additional metadata to display on Agreement accordion in eHoldings record view

    1. What fields to add? Two user stories already for adding a link to an associated license record and for adding the perpetual access field

    2. Add link to linked FOLIO org record (for accces admin logins/contact info for troubleshooting)

    3. Whether to pursue changes in API call used to populate Agreements tab in eHoldings record

      1. Use API call for Agreement Lines instead of Agreements, would allow display of current fields plud additional ones such as POL

    4. Broad question for feedback: how do folks use the eHoldings app? Is it a destination to find information, or is it more transactional (ie for activation and linking as AGL to agreement)?

      1. Meeting response was more transactional

      2. How it is used/perceived by users might be a good metric for what to display in eHoldings records

  3. Implementers topic #8: Multiple AGLs to one eHoldings title/package record - did not discuss

  4. Misc (if time)

    1. New ideas

      1. Add filter to eHoldings app search (package and titles) to indicate whether eHoldings record is linked as an AGL with an Agreement (similar to Inventory search filter for Suppressed for Discovery/for Staff)

        1. Would be Yes or No or Linked/Unlinked

Action items:

Zorian will followup with Owen about mechanics of AGL API call for eHoldings records, options for displaying HLM packages that have been deprecated


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