2024-04-02 BELA Meeting Notes

Attendees (please add your name):

@Magda Zacharska @Jennifer Eustis @Lynne Fors @Sara Colglazier @Kim Wiljanen @Kristy Darby @Jackie Magagnosc Theodore Gerontakos @Robert Scheier @Tim Kiser @Kara Hart

Note Taker: 

@Kristy Darby

Meeting Recording:








  • Attendees: please add your name to the list of attendees.

  • Who can take notes today?

  • Any library interested in sharing their experience with using Bulk edit and Lists app during WOLFcon’s working session?

  • Anything else?

Please contact Magda by end of this week Apr 5, 2024 if you are interested in sharing your experience with Bulk Edit in production


Quesnelia Bugfest Bugs


BF-674 not entirely BE issue

Fixes will be released soon for these bugs


 Quesnelia UAT - Jira tickets


Based on feedback provided during Quesnelia UAT


UAT - Bulk edit - continued

  • Test data and test scenarios are located in the Bulk edit Google drive. This time we will cover:

    • Holdings notes

    • Holdings electronic access

    • Query search

  • Test environment:  Quesnelia bugfest

  • Test user:  to be provided

    • More feedback needed - two institutions have completed

    • Bring any issues to Magda/the group

@Sara Colglazier working through bulk edit of holdings


  • username: bulk-edit-uat (password is same)

  • Permissions - inventory, bulk edit, editing user profiles


  • Holdings Note

    • changing and adding columns in Actions

    • bulk edit: Add Note

    • Check in Inventory

    • Logs - reflects if change is In App

    • Successful

  • Find and Replace

    • Find is most restrictive – requires exact match

    • Successful

  • Instance - Cataloged Date is null/empty

    • Change to suppress from discovery

    • Successful

Notes from testing and discussion:

  • if edits include both staff suppress and suppress from discovery, two edits will be necessary; cannot do both at same time

  • If records have been changed through bulk edit, must start over to change records again. Bulk Edit no longer available in Actions

  • One action in one job

  • When something is very specific in the app (i.e., Find requires exact match), can be challenging to know what the requirements/limitations are. An explanation in app may provide clarity and be indication that user needs to pay attention.

    • This is a larger issue than Bulk Edit and this specific case

    • This working group can watch for inconsistencies across FOLIO and report them

    • small blue i icon with pop-up informational bubble could be helpful

    • these icons do not take much development; most important is knowing where they are needed

  • Exact match on Find will be added to documentation.

    • Alternate suggestions for label: Full field search, Find (exact match)

    • In query language, "exact match" seems more in the category of exact match vs. broad match